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As the screen comes to life Dr. Rights opened her mouth to ask the theater's voice a question but quickly gets cut off by said voice.

"Yes this will take place in your reality. But the next one after this will not."

     "Oh. Very well then. I have more questions then." Dr. Rights says.

     The view picked up right where it left off from last time, in the cafeteria of a Foundation facility with the newest members of MTF Alpha-9 talking amongst themselves. 

     "Did we make the right choice in trusting them?" Aki asked her husband.

     "We don't trust them but for the moment we don't have much of a choice." Fuji answers.

     "What do you make of the other people here?" Aki asked as she glanced around the room looking at the various different people talking amongst themselves or simply sitting alone.

    "They're probably like us. They aren't dressed like guards or scientists so I don't think so. They also looked as tense or confused as we were earlier." Fuji answers.

    "Were? I still am." Aki says.

    Fuji embraced his wife and kissed her forehead. "We'll make it through this."

    The view moves to Sol and Billy who were seated at a table drinking some apple juice and chatting amongst themselves.

    "Are you alright Billy?" Sol asked in concern for her friend. "You seem upset."

    "Of course I’m upset. I feel so defenseless without my sketchbook." Billy says with a grumpy tone. "We've been taken captive by some shady organization and I can't use my powers without it."

    Sol could understand his feeling of helplessness. She'd been captured and enslaved, then with the help of Billy had managed to escape, only to immediately get captured again.

    "I know we agreed to work with them but I still don't like it. Especially when the only other alternative is permanent imprisonment. What kind of deal is this anyway?" The boy pouted as he pondered what his next move should be.

     "What else is there left for us to do?" Sol asked. "I can still use my powers but everyone here has weapons and I'm scared."

     "Don't worry, just give me time and I'll find a way for us to get out of this." Billy says, trying to comfort his friend. 

     "He may be difficult to work with." Dr. Rights says she adds a note to her notebook. She'd been writing down details of each anomaly shown. Things like names, backgrounds, physical appearance, abilities, possible weaknesses, and personality. Next to Billy's name she wrote 'very rebellious, likely will attempt escape, discipline likely required'

     "He's not even a teenager yet and he's already entered his rebellious phase." Dr. Clef chuckled.

     "Sol seems very frightful and submissive. She may have an inferiority complex." Dr. Rights noted. 'As morbid as it is, perhaps the Foundation could use that to our advantage in keeping her in line and contained.'

    The view moved once again, to Iris, Cain, and Han the hand. Iris was trying to eat her soup but kept stopping and glancing over at Han who what, dancing, maybe? She honestly wasn't quite sure, in her time with the foundation she'd seen lots of weird things but a severed, alive, and possibly dancing hand was a new one. It didn't help that it crawled around like a spider which creeped her out. 

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