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    After a good night's sleep and some breakfast the group gathered in the theater and took their seats. Iris had finally rejoined the group as well after having the night to cry away her sorrows and having Lilith and Epon comfort her this morning. It didn't help her aching heart much but she appreciated the kindness of her fellow anomalies nonetheless.
      Dr. Rights was about to ask the same question she usually asks but before she could the voice of the theater cut her off.
      "Before you ask, yes we will be viewing events in your reality." The theater says.
      The screen flickers to life to show a familiar face sitting on a bed in a small room, it's Billy. The room he's in is a simple one, the walls are colored blue, the furniture consists of a bed and a book shelf with a small assortment of books. There is also a small bathroom with only a toilet.
      Iris was familiar with the room Billy is in. The Foundation calls them a temporary living unit. Built to hold humanoid anomalies when they are initially captured by the foundation. These rooms are heavily guarded and there are cameras in the walls of the room. They only use these rooms in the early stages of studying an individual's abilities until they can make a better containment unit to better house the individual and reduce the possibility of escape with their abilities. 
      The heavily armoured door to the room opened up and a foundation doctor walked in along with two armed guards. The doctor looked at his clipboard for a moment to quickly check some information before addressing Billy.
     "Your name is Billy Fitzgerald, right?" The doctor asked.
     The boy looked at the doctor with a mostly blank expression. His eyes however held anger in them. "Yes." The boy answers.
     "Well Billy, we are here to take you to the cafeteria. There is someone here who wants to speak with you." The man says.
      Billy said nothing and simply continued to glare at them. 
       The doctor sighed, he was warned beforehand that Billy was taken by force and since his containment has been very uncooperative. Not too surprising, most who are taken by force behave the same way.
     "There are going to be others like you who will be there including one named Sol. We want to make a deal with you and others like you. It will be very beneficial for everyone." The doctor explained. 
    The mention of Sol caught his attention. He and Sol had been captured a few days ago and ever since then he'd wondered what became of her. She was like him with no friends and no family, no one who cared about her.
   "Fine. I'll cooperate." Billy says reluctantly.
     This came as a relief to the doctor, he really didn't want to drag the boy to the meeting unwillingly. If at all possible the foundation tries to build a positive relationship with its humanoid or sentient anomalies. It makes studying and caring for them easier.
    "Alright then follow me." The doctor says as the group leave the room and start making their way to the cafeteria.
     On the way there Billy took note of his surroundings. This place was busy with guards patrolling the halls, people in lab coats rushing from one place to another, the air was constantly thick with tension. As he walked past guards and scientists alike they watched him with curiosity and caution. A part of Billy wondered what it is they had in store for him.

      "Looks like rush hour." Dr. Clef comments. "I wonder what facility they're in?"
     "The halls are as dull as ever." Dr. Bright says. He's been with the foundation for a little over a century and the walls are still the dull gray color they've always been. "Maybe we should request a paint job for our facilities. "
     "I doubt the 05 council would bother with it." Dr. Rights says.
     Upon entering the cafeteria the first thing Billy took notice of was the multitude of armed guards surveying the room. 'This is a lot for just me. Who else is going to be here?' The boy internally questions.

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