A Soul Buried

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Hollowing whispers whisk through the winds
They travel all around me and then holds my hand
It's lingering touch, a familiar feeling;
of a loved one who's not around, always endearing

Those short visits resemble home
The visitations to their place;
until I could no longer see their face
And then it washes over me--that sense of being all alone

I visit their new home at the cemetery, but my body is paralyzed;
Not able to grasp the idea of them being gone forever
I regret the time I didn't get to spend with them
Now that they're no longer here, it slipped right out of my fingertips

It's hard really, the thing I fear
Not having them in my life, not having them near
Why is life this way, it's just not fair
To have everyone you come to know or love get ripped out of thin air

But life must go on, and the world does too
I hope my days on earth will leave an impression;
Going through life, this depression, always second guessing
There's no way out of my fear of death

It's inevitable, it has to happen
It's out of my control, out of my reach;
the thing I wish is something you can't teach
It constantly consumes me, I feel like I can't breathe--I'm suffocating

This isn't what my life should be about;
but having the thought more than three times a day, at the top of my lungs I scream and shout
I'm drowning in my mind-numbing thoughts, trapped inside
I'm not living, I'm just simply alive

I don't wanna show I'm scared, but inside I'm crying
Thinking about it, it takes a piece of me--slowly dying
I trust in God, I have faith;
but even then, it's hard to take it day by day--I'm fading

You can say it's an obsession;
but with these words, with these expressions
It's the only way I manage to cope;
thinking about death is like an addiction, like I'm shooting up dope

The fear of the unknown hits me in waves
Dragging me down in the undertone, crashing throughout the day;
the anxiety at this rate might take me to an early grave.
At the end of my lifeline; the one true goal
Somewhere in the afterlife, I hope I'm a living breathing soul

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