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"I'm hungry" I told Isaiah

"You always hungry" he laughed

"Shut up, I'm carrying a human inside me"

"yea i know" Isaiah said

"okay then" i said and started doing my hair in the bathroom

"the realtor women said she found another house we might like" Isaiah told me

"well damn" i laughed

today were going to look at houses since our family is offically starting and im so excited

"i hope we like them though" i said

"you only care about one part of the house"

"that is not true, i care about the space and bedrooms" i said

"but mostly the damn kitchen" he lauguhed

"hush" i said

there was a knock at our door and then Quan walked in

"hey hoes, how's my godbaby" he said walking over to me

"What do you want Quan" i laughed

"i need 20 dollars for gas" he said

"nigga you have money" isaiah said

"aye mind your business" Quan said and pointed at him

"just a mess" i said shaking my head

"thats why y'all child a demon" he said

"we ain't even had the baby yet" i laughed

Isaiah started coughing making Quan jump back and look at him

"unt unt get back trynna give me coronavirus"

"boyyyyyy you dont even wear yo mask out the house" i laughed

"yes i do but i forget sometimes i know we still in a whole pandora box" Quan said

"yea you gotta go" i said

"yall guess what?" Jayda said walking into the room

"what?" i asked

"im getting ripped tonight, RIP that pussy" she said

"ayeeeeee" i said finishing it

"dont nobody wanna rip that fishy pussy, keep yo legs closed" Quan said looking at her

"look you cockroach ass bitch im tired of you" Jayda said

"then bitch take a damn nap" Quan said and sat down on the bed

"Anywaysssss as I was saying what y'all doing today"

"House hunting" I said

"Awwww that's so cute, welp y'all have fun" Jayda said before leaving the room

"Okay let's go rascals" I said to Quan and Isaiah

We left the house and got in the car. Isaiah drove to the first house where we met the realtor

"Hi I'm Diana" she said shaking my hand

"Hi, I'm Armani and this is my boyfriend Isaiah" I told her

"Nice to meet you all and is this a family member?" She asked looking at Quan

"Nah I'm Casper, now mind your business" Quan said

"Oh my god" Isaiah laughed

"I'm sorry please excuse him but yes he's a family member" I said

"Alright let's get the tour started" she said walk towards the house

We all went inside and looked around

"This is a 4 bedroom house with 3 and half baths, a lot of open space as you can see"

"ouuuu baby look at the kitchen" I said to Isaiah

"Oh lord here you go" he chuckled

We walked to the kitchen and admired the marble counter tops, all modern appliances and the kitchen island was beautiful

"I want this one" I said turning to Isaiah

"We ain't even seen the other 2 houses yet" he laughed

"Ugh okay fine" I said

We finished looking around the house then went back outside

"Whewwww it's hot like hell" Quan said fanning his self

"Quan hush" I said looking at him

"Girl don't hush me it's hot I'm going to the car" he said

"It was nice meeting you" Diana said before Quan before in the car

"Uh huh nice meeting you too white lady" Quan waved

"I'm so sorry" I said to Diana

"Oh nooo it's fine I can tell he's the comedian in the family" she smiled

"Yes he is, but we will meet you at the other house" I said

"Okay yall be safe now" she said before getting in her car

Me and Isaiah got in the car and he started to drive off following the gps directions

ugh I can't believe it my life was finally coming together.

Please excuse any mistakes

Thank you so much for 100k reads. I love y'all and I will get back to updating❤️

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