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"Um excuse me ma'am" Quan yelled out as he walked to the polls
"This is so ghetto" Jayda laughed and put on her shades
"You in my businessssssssss?" He pointed to a random white women
"Yea don't do that" he shook his head
We were going to vote today and I'm honestly kinda excited
"Omg" I said laughing and walked over to the voting section
"Hi this is my first time voting so where do I sign up" I said talking to some lady at the front desk
"Well who are you voting for" the lady asked
"Not Trump" Quan said
"Hushhhh" Jayda said
"What? It's true. Fuck that nigga" Quan said as he went to his booth to vote
The lady handed me a paper and I went to a booth to vote
I filled out the form and went to turn it in to the box
After we were all done we left and headed home
"I just wanna knowwwwww" Quan said
"Oh lord here we go" Jayda said
"shut up you damn ostrich" Quan said
"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, I just wanna knowwww why there were so many damn questions"
"Deadass" Niyah laughed
"Had me feeling like I was taking a damn test"
"Y'all so ghetto" I said
"No forreal I came to vote not answer all those dumbass questions" Quan said
"Talking about some who do you want to be governor, bitch I don't knowwww anybody expect Trump" he said frustrated
"I- Trump is the pres- you know what ok" Jayda said and got on her phone
"Everybody get out of my car" Isaiah said as pulled up to the house
I laughed and opened my door as everybody else got out
"Aht aht not you" he said