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The principal had called me out of class to talk to me about doing a painting for the school that i really didn't want to do

My artwork is not something i just show off and yes i'm good at it but painting is my only form of peace if that makes sense

"Armani look we'll pay you if you paint the portrait" Mr. Jones said

"Nope" i said popping the P

"Mr. Jones what you doing?" i heard someone ask from behind me and I turned around seeing Quan

"Quan not today" Mr. Jones said

"Oh hey bestie" he said when he saw me

"Hey Quan"

"What are you doing here?" Mr. Jones asked him

"Oh I got kicked out of Mrs. Feather class she talking bout I was disturbing the class" Quan said

"Quan you mean Mrs. Heather" i said correcting him

"I don't know the bitch name it could be HIV, STD, DVD, ABC, 123, do re mi and I honestly don't care".

i covered my mouth trying my hardest not the laugh right because he was being dead serious

"She gone catch something watch" he said shaking his head

"Aye wassup Isaiah" Quan said as the front office door opened

I saw Isaiah walk in and Quan dapped him up

"hey Armani" Isaiah said when he saw me

"wassup" i nodded before turning my attention back to principal Jones

wow i really need to socialize with people because i've never seen him around until now

I really don't pay attention to shit at this school anyways. I just go to my classes and then go straight home

"Hey Isaiah, come in take a seat" Mr. Jones said

Isaiah came into the room and sat down in the chair beside me

"Armani and i were just discussing the plans for graduation and she agreed to paint the Mural"

"no i didn't" i said

"Armani said she'll think about it" Mr. Jones said correcting himself

"what does this have to do with me?" Isaiah asked trying to get to the point

"Since you're also a artist and very good at it i want you to help Armani with the Mural"

"I can't do that" Isaiah said

"okay how about this both of y'all just think about it and then get back to me"

"alright that's fine" i said before getting up


"pass, pass, pass, ew big ass pass" I said looking through the racks of clothes in Forever 21

I called Niyah and my cousin Jayda and asked them to come with me.

"If you knew you didn't like the store why you come in here?" Jayda asked

"I was hoping for a miracle" I said

Niyah just shook her head.

"can we go now?" Cam asked

"nobody asked y'all to tag along in the first place"

"she so mean" Jayda said chuckling

"okay i'm ready to go" i said heading to the exit

When i got back in my car with Niyah and Jayda, i drove off and headed to Cam's house since we all agreed to meet there

"i'm tired" i said stepping out the car

"same ready to go home" Jayda said before knocking on the door

Quan answered and let us in

I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. everybody was doing there own thing so i might as well go to sleep.

grabbing a pillow i put it under my head and laid down, not even 10 minutes later i hear movement towards me

i open my eyes seeing Isaiah about to sit down on the couch so i move my feet

damn can't do shit around here man

I closed my eyes again and let my mind roam with whatever wild thoughts before sleep finally took over.

please excuse any mistakes
sorry for the short chapter

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