"Heyyy" I said walking into the house
"Get out, I fucking hate you" I heard Niyah scream from the kitchen
"Well damn" I mumbled to myself
I walked to the kitchen to see Niyah screaming at Cam while Jayda and Quan tried to hold her back
"Ummm what's going on?" I asked as I put my purse down
"This bitch has been fucking cheating on me" she said
I looked over at Cam shocked and lost for words
"Oh wow" I said to myself
"I fucking hate you" Niyah yelled again and ran up on Cam
She started hitting him back to back and all her hits were connecting
"Ok ok ok come on" I said and pulled her off him
"Come on let's go" I walked her to the door and we left the house
We got in my car and sat there for a while as she started to calm down
"What's going on" I asked her
"We were chilling in the room and he gets up to use the bathroom and next thing I know his phone is blowing up with text messages"
"Who was it" I asked her
"Some bitch named Angel"
"Oh wow damn Niyah I'm so sorry" I said and leaned over to hug her
"It's coo I'ma be straight"
I saw Jayda walk out the house in a sweatsuit and ski mask with black air forces on
She opened the backseat and got in
"Alright y'all what's the plan. We gone kill him or we gone kill the bitch" she asked
"Girlllllll" I laughed seeing how serious she was
"Who the fuck is we?" Niyah turned and looked at her
"Right cause I'm not doing 10 years for Cam raggedy dusty ass" I said
"Ouuuu let's poison him" Jayda smiled
"Child no"
"Mannnnn y'all ain't no damn fun. Can we at least jump him" Jayda asked
"Nooooo, Niyah just beat his ass" I laughed
"Let me go get all his shit out my damn house right now" Niyah said
"You want us to come with you?" I asked
"Ohhhhh baby no I need to this one on my own" she said
"Okay well be safe and don't do anything too crazy" I told her
"Love youuuuuuu" she said as me and Jayda got out the car
We watched her drive off and then walked back in the house
"I'ma go take a nap" Jayda said and pointed to the couch
"Alright" I said and went up stairs
I walked into my room to find roses on the bed and gift bags
"What in the world" I said
Isaiah walked out from the bathroom and smiled at me
"Hey mama"
"what is this" I asked in shock
"Some little gifts to start your birthday off right" he said
"My birthday isn't until this weekend"
"I know but you deserve to be spoiled this whole month"
"When did you do this"
"When you were out running errands"
"I was hiding the gifts in a guest room and the roses were in the dining room I'm surprised you didn't see them"
"Well Niyah and Cam caught me off guard" I laughed
"yea that too, go ahead and open your gifts"
I sat down and started opening some of the bags
He got me Chanel earrings, and all these designer clothes, more Jordan 4's, lip gloss, and a bunch of other stuff
"Baby this is so sweet" I hugged him
"You didn't have to do all this"
"I wanted to" he said
"Oh I got one more" he walked to the bathroom and came back out with a small gift bag
"Oh gosh what is this" I said opening the bag
I pulled out a box and opened it to see 2 plane tickets
"Plane tickets?" I asked
"Read them"
"round trip to Dubai" I read out loud
I paused for a minute to let my brain register what I just said
"don't not play with me" I laughed and looked him
"I'm not playing it's forreal. Surprise" he said
"Omg we're going to Dubai" I screamed and jumped up in his arms
"thank youuuu" i said hugging him again
"of course you deserve it" he said