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I woke up at 8:30 and took a shower trying to get my thoughts together on what was gonna happen to Isaiah

When I was done with my shower I got out and got dressed then grabbed my stuff and headed to the hospital

I walked inside the building waving as nurses passed by saying "hello" and other small conversation

I got in the elevator and waited for it to stop at the 2nd floor then walked down the hallway heading to Isaiah room

I got to his door and heard yelling making me walk further into the room seeing Isaiah mom crying and Quan trying to calm her down

Just seeing the scene before me made my heart drop. I started to feel my world crashing down

"What- what happened" I asked making everyone look in my direction and immediately looked at me with sympathy

"No, no don't" I pointed at Jayda as she tried to walk towards me

"You guys don't get to look at me like that, Where is Isaiah?" I asked trying to stop the tears from falling

His bed was empty and all his stuff was gone

"I'm so sorry" Jayda said

In that moment everything stopped. I didn't feel anything, I couldn't say anything, this can't be real no there's no way

I wasn't ready. He wasn't ready

I turned around to walk out his room door but Jayda wrapped her arms around me and pulled me back

"No, no, no" I broke down and cried

My cheeks were hot from crying and my head was start to hurt. I didn't want to believe this we we're supposed to be together he was my soulmate

"I just wanna see him, please let me see him" I said as my voice cracked

"It's okay, you're gonna be okay" Jayda said

"No I want to see him" I cried

"I know" she whispered and continued to hug me

"What happened?" I asked

"He started bleeding out and it was too much the doctors did everything possible to save him but it didn't work" His mom told me

"Nooooo" I cried harder

"Armani" I heard my name being called


My eyes shot open and I saw Jayda standing beside me

(Haha I got y'all sikeeeeee ~ author)

"what's going on" I asked

"You were having a bad dream" she said and sat down beside me

"oh god" I sighed and sat up in the chair

We were all still at the hospital waiting on the doctors to give us a update about Isaiah

"you wanna talk about it?" She asked

I shook my head and looked up seeing a doctor walking towards us. I immediately stood up as she began speaking

"Hi, family of Isaiah. He is okay the surgery went well and now he's back stable"

I felt a flood of relief go through me as she said that

"Can we see him?"

"Yes of course he's in room 307" she said

We all walked down the hallway until seeing his room number I ran inside seeing Isaiah awake and watching tv

He was hooked up to machines and looked so tired

"Hi baby" I said walked over to him

"Heyy" he whispered as a smile came into his face

He grabbed my hand and squeezed it letting me know he was okay

"Boy don't you ever scare us like that again" Quan said sitting

"Facts had us crying and shit" Jayda said

"Have you gotten any rest?" Isaiah asked me

"She has not" Jayda said answering for me

"Girl" I mugged

"Idc I'm telling you been a mess every since he got to the hospital" she shrugged

Isaiah looked making me look away

"Come on y'all let them have their time alone"

"Girl I just sat down and now you want me to get up again" Quan said

"Get yo ass up" Jayda said slapping the back of Quan head

When everyone was out the room i sighed and looked at Isaiah

"Lay down" he said

"no I don't want to hurt you"

"Armani lay down"

I got in bed beside him and laid down. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead

"Im okay and we're fine" he said

I didn't say anything just took in the moment of me being back in his arms

My thoughts faded as sleep started to take over

Please excuse any mistakes

Welp y'all Isaiah is alive!!!! Now let's see what happens next🌝

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