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"Ughhhhh I'm starving" Jayda said sitting down on my bed

"Well let's go get something to eat then" I suggested

"bet ima invite the guys" Niyah told me getting on her phone

"let's go" Jayda said getting up heading to the car

We got in the car and pulled off listening to music until we got to IHOP. When we got there we went inside to see the boys were already seated at a table

I sat beside Isaiah in the corner, while we were waiting on the food I got on instagram and posted a picture from earlier today

I closed the app then looked at the menu for what i wanted

"what are you gonna get?" i asked Isaiah

"French toast" he said

I nodded before closing the menu and looking at Isaiah

This man is so fine like a different level of fine

"Stop staring at me before i finger you in this restaurant" he said lowly so only i could hear

i gave him a shocked look before laughing

"boy bye you wouldn't"

he placed his hand on my thigh and squeezed it

oh child no and i'm wearing a dress like what the hell

He slid his hand in my panties and I quickly moved his hand but he popped me and put his hand right back

He is really doing this out in public and more importantly i'm letting him while enjoying it

"Isaiah no." I mumbled

but it was too late he slipped his finger inside me making me almost moan out loud

"Mani what are you getting?" Niyah asked me

"You hear her talking to you" Isaiah whispered looking me dead in the eyes moving his fingers faster.

"Uh the- the waffles" I said stuttering over my words

This cannot be happening

I felt a my stomach start to tighten up and i closed my eyes as I released. I heard Isaiah laughing lowly before moving his hand.

"come on" he whispered to me

everybody was in there own conversation so i got up and followed Isaiah to the bathrooms

i went inside the ladies room and luckily no one was in there

did that really just happen?

what the fuck is this? fifty shades of grey ugh so nasty and unsanitary

never again that's for sure

i walked over to the sink and began washing my hands

when i was done i grabbed a paper towel and dried them off then left the bathroom heading back to the table

i sat down and noticed Quan looking at me so i looked at him and he had his face scrunched up.

"Nasty bitch" he mouthed and I hid my face laughing.


I was finally back home and trying to take a nap until i heard my phone starting to ring making me look at it

"Hello" I said answering the phone

"Wassup" i heard Isaiah say

"Nothing, you just saw me so why you calling?" i asked

"I know that but I can't call you now? What if I just wanted to hear your voice?." He said

" I never said you couldn't."

"Ight then so what's the problem?."

"There is no problem I was just saying damn."

"Lose the attitude, anyway how you been."

"You just saw me you know how I'm doing" i said

"Why the hell you being rude?"

"I'm not" i laughed

"Ight I'm bout to play 2k"

"How you gone call me to play a game? You called me so we gone talk."

"I can talk and play at the same time."

"Ight then I'm hanging up" i said

"okay okay I won't play what you tryna y'all about" he asked

"I don't know anything i guess"

"well ask me a question" he said

"Alright how many girls have you fucked?"

" like 20 plus girls"

Bitch I almost choked I moved the phone away from my ear looking at it

i heated him start laughing on the other end

"Are you being deadass" i asked

"Nah I'm playing with you it's just 3"

We kept talking for the next 2 hours until finally i was ready to go to sleep

I told him bye and closed my eyes until I ended up dozing off

please excuse any mistakes

𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐍 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋Where stories live. Discover now