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I took the offer of painting the school mural for graduation only because they're paying me and who am i to turn down some good money
The only problem was i had to paint the mural with Isaiah who i already don't like
Now i'm irritated because i'm sitting here waiting for him to be done with basketball practice so we can start planning
"alright everybody gather around" the coach yelled
they huddled up in a circle and talked before the coach yelled break and they started playing again
i didn't know what was going on but i guess they're good at basketball
When practice was over Isaiah went to the locker room and got his stuff then came to the bleachers where i was at
"wassup" he said
"Hey" I said before getting up and walking out the gym
He followed me until we were outside of the school
"come on my car is over here" he said walking into the parking lot
When we got to his car he unlocked the doors and we got in then he started the car and pulled off
15 minutes later he pulled up to a nice suburban house and turned off the car
"This where you live?" I asked
He nodded his head
"it's nice" i said
We walked in the house and he led me to the living room
"you can have a seat and i'll be right back" he said before walking away
i sat down on the couch and got on my phone because i didn't know how long he was going to be gone
I heard the front door open and close making me look up as a woman walked into the house
"oh hi, are you one of Isaiah's friends?" she asked smiling
"uh yes im Armani" i said standing up
Shit where the hell is Isaiah, and what am i supposed to do? just casually talk to his mom
As if he was reading my mind i heard footsteps coming down the stairs
"Hey mama. How was your day?" Isaiah asked as he walked over to her kissed her forehead.
"It was okay, work is still the same as usual" she said shrugging then turning her attention to me.
"I should get going got dinner to start on but it was nice meeting you" She said
"it was nice letting you too" i smiled
"she's pretty" i heard her whisper to Isaiah as she went to the kitchen
"come on" he said to me before heading upstairs
i followed him and we went to his room
"i have a question" i said sitting down at his desk chair
"i have a answer"
"Stop" I said mugging him
"okay what's the question" he laughed
"do you think people will like the mural?"
it was quite for a before he responded
"i think you shouldn't worry about what others think but yes i'm sure everyone would love it" he said
"I can deal with that" I said before laying pulling out my laptop
"So do you paint all the time?" he asked
"just whenever i feel like it so it depends"
he nodded his head as i pulled up some of the sketch ideas and showed them to him
"these are hard i can't even lie" he said
"thanks, here let's look at other murals and try to get an idea of what would fit our school" i said
we spent the next hour looking up mural ideas and drawing some ideas up of our own before we finally decided on one we both thought fit perfectly for our school