Chapter 2: A Dumb Creature

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I ran down the stairs to the main room, were the thrones were. My mother had her long blonde hair pulled to the side walking around, checking all the decorations. My father, who had brown hair, was telling orders. I never really knew my father's real name. I decide to go outside, avoiding my mother's eye, because I was supposed to be in my stupid purple and black dress that SHE had design. Talk about horrible taste. I tip-toed past her until she said my name without even looking at me.

"Skye, where's your dress?" She asked suspiciously. I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Do I have to wear it?"

"Yes, you do. It's traditional. Now go put it on." I disobey my mothers orders, and tried to sneak off again, but she caught me. My mother teleported in front of me, blocking my path. I would teleport behind her to escape, but she would catch me again.

"MsSkye Ender, shame on you. I give you one single instruction, and you annoy me. I said, go. Put. On. Your. Dress. Or you will be banned not only from outside the walls, but also from the kingdom outside the castle." I sighed and fly up the flight of stairs to put on my dress. When I reached my room, I sat by the window again looking at the land outside the walls. I saw a suddenly movement near and obsidian tower.

"What's that?" I asked my self, using my wings and lifting my self out of the window. I flew down to the strange creature and hide behind the same obsidian tower. I slightly turned my head and so did the creature as our gaze met. He had Burnett hair and deep ocean blue eyes, and wore a cyan blue shirt and purple pants. I looked him over with curiosity. He had a nice feature, for a mortal, but there was something in his hand that gripped my attention. He held an Eye  of Ender. I cant believe it. He killed my kind! I was to shocked to attack at first, until he spoke.

"It seems like I have Encountered a type of life form." His smile grew a bit to creepy for comfort. He suddenly had something else in hand, and before I knew it, I was hit on the head with something, hard.

When I woke up, I was outside by the obsiadian tower, no weapons in hand. I stood and rubbed my temple and glared arround. I turned my head around behind me and saw nothing, but that was different when I looked back around only to find my own obsidian bow right infront of my face, the very sharp tip of it against my face. I felt the tip cut my skin slightly, but not deep enough for me to bleed.

I growled low in my throat. "I know you. Your that stupid mortal human from earlier."

"I'm not stupid." Was all he could choke out.

"Wait. You can understand me?" I asked a bit of suprise to my voice, but no change in expression.

"Uh. Are you serious?" He chuckled a bit, and brought the bow away from my face, letting himself off guard.

"Ha, I thought you were maybe a smart life form, but you obviously proven to me you are as dumb as a chicken." His chuckled turned into a fit of laughter. I didn't move or say a word back to insult him, becuase I did not know his weakness or how he would react, and he had all the weapons. So I was useless either which way. After he finally finished laughing he replied with a, "Uh, yeah. Derp."

I then remembered, I'm half Enderman! I can teleport. I did just that and the human looked up and down, left and right for me, but couldn't find me. I jumped on him from behind, causing him to fall on the endstone ground with me on his back.

"Thank you human." I whispered into his ear, taking away the obsidian bow. He groaned in defeat as I got up off of him, letting him see me, repeating the same moves he did before, only I didn't get to close to him. He may have more tricks up his sleeves.

He held his hands up to surrender, and lowered his head, sighing. "What do you want from me?"

I thought for a moment. The life outside the end awaits. I little voice nagged at me in my mind.

"I want you to take me to the 'Dangerworld'." I answered with confidence.

"The what?" He lifted his head and cocked his head to the side slightly.

"The Overworld." I replied, thinking that this human was a dumb. Which he was, in my opinion.

"Thats it?" he asked, expecting a bit more. "No, diamonds, or any power to rule over Minecraftia?"

"I doubt you have any power." I snickered, looking him over again.

"That's a little obvensive don't you think?" He raised an eyebrow and lowered his hands slowly.

"Nope. It suits you perfectly." The human growled.

"Whatever. Come on." He said moving the bow away from his face, beginning to walk off in the opposite way of the castle. A cod used expression was plastered to my face.

"Uh, the castle's that way." I noted, pointing in the opposite direction he was heading.

He moaned. "Yeah, yeah." He flicked his wrist at me and turned around, heading toward the castles this time. I chuckled under my breath and walked along side with him.

"By the way, What's your name?" He inquired.

"MsSkye Ender, princess of the End." I said with a sprinkle of jazz hands.

He nudged me, then smiled.

"Well, I'm Steve. Nice to met you. At least, until you tried to kill me." He trailed off. I returned the nugde.

"Hey, you tried to kill me too stupid." I replied playfully.

"Ha, you were the one acting stupid, stupid." He grinned back at me.

"Nice to met you too, Mortal Steve." I flashed a quick smile and looked forward.

"Hey?" He grabbed my attention. I gazed at him a bit curious. He rubbed the back of his head, ruffing his slightly messy Burnett hair even more.

"You don't have to call me a Mortal." He formed a fake smile.

"Yeah, whatever, Steve."

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