Chapter 10: Herobrines Lair

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LOCATION: Still in the Forgotten City -_-

Steve, Arrow, Miya, Star, and Heaven tries to dig Daniella out of the rubble, I stand there with a tears streaming down my face.

"She just saved my life..." I mumble in tears

I quickly get down on the ground and start digging as if my life depended on it. Which it did because if I did not save Daniella I could never live with my self. As I was digging a hand popped out of the rubble and debris.

"Daniella!!!!!!!" I yelled as I started to clear away the rubble and rub away the tears. Steve and Arrow ran over and pulled her out of the ground. As soon as they got her out I hugged the living crap out of her.

"Daniella, I though you were a goner!!!!!"

"Nope," Daniella says as she looks at her self,"I just have a few bruises and I'm dirty but nothing to serious. "

After the accident we decide to walk around the City. Suddenly Steve falls in a small hole in the ground.

"WHAT THE HELL!?!??!!" He screams as he falls I'm the ground. I look in to the hole Steve fell in and saw the water.

"Oh man, I literally HATE water." I says

"It probably a trait from you being somewhat relative to Enderman and enderwoman." Says Heaven as she strokes a pig and a sheep.

"II still think Heaven is a little crazy for hugging that darn tree with the freaking creepy eye." Whispers Star

"HEY, I HEARD THAT!!!!" Yells Heaven

"Hey, you guys should come down here." Steve says as he suddenly appears from the long tunnel where he fell.

Miya, Steve, Arrow, Daniella and Me all jumped in the hole and fell in the water.

"GAWD DAMN IT!!!!!" I yell so loud that the sheep and pig Heaven was petting started running around until eventually the sheep fell in with us.

"Owwww.... Look, the sheep wants to come with us. Isn't that sweet??" Says Heaven as she pets the sheep

"No, its because the darn sheep was stupid enough to fall in the hole with us." Says Star

"HEY, DON'T YOU SAY THAT ABOUT HIM!!!!" yells Heaven

I can see why they fight a lot. They are the exact opposite of each other Because Heaven is Queen of the Aether, and Star is Queen of the Nether.

"Hey, while you guys were fighting about what ever girls fight about, me and Steve found something you may want to see." Arrow loudly says over the fuse. Star, Heaven, Daniella, Miya and me all walk over to see what they were talking about. I didn't like what I saw.

"Yeap, this is Herobrine's lair alright." Says Miya

"I don't like this one bit, it looks like the nether had a baby in the over world and then it got hit by a diamond minecart, died, and then came back as an ugly half dead ghast." Replies Heaven

Star yells at Heaven,


"Guys, it's not the time or place to be doing what ever you girls are doing." Replies Arrow

Right as I as turned around, I saw something I wish I have NEVER EVER seen in my whole life.

"Hello MsSkye, haven't we ummm...I don't know....met before." He said with an evil smirk on is face that perfectly match his white glowing eyes. Before I could warn the rest of my friends, he pushed all of us in.

"WHAT THE FREAK!??!?" yells Arrow and Steve

They were probably yelling because they had all of the weight and girls on them. Star, Heaven, and me all flew up and off of them and then land on the ground by them and helped them up. Herobrine jumped down from where he was standing.

"Hello there, it was so nice of you to...drop on by."

His smile reminded me of death it's self.


Ohhh yes, a cliffhanger!!!!!!

Yeah I had some trouble writing this chapter because everytime it said it was saved it wasn't.




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