Chapter 3: This will be difficult

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As me and Steve walked toward the castle, there were guards outside of it, watching the surronding area. I grabbed Steve's hand and hide on the side of the castle   wall, out of their sight.

"What was that for?!"he inquired a bit to harshly.

"You can't let them see you, you dumb-dumb."I seethed, my grip tightened around his hand.

A thin sheet of pink appeared around his cheeks. I looked down at our hands touching each other, and then glanced back at him, pulling away and shaking my wrist.

"Uh, pretend that never happened." I informed, holding onto my hand that had been touched. My cheeks became hot and a deep redish-pink.

"So uh, MsSkye. What do we do now? We can't let them see us." Steve pointed out, turning the corner just enough to glance at the tall enderman heavily equipped with armor.

"I know a secret passage way to the portal room. Just... follow me." I began to jog to the back of the castle, Steve following behind.

I closed my eyes. "Here we go." I mumbled, flipping a switch. The stone wall opened up a two by two hole, with the walls lightly lit up with Redstone torches.

" Pfft, we humans can do much better in the Overworld." Steve murmured, unimpressed with or Redstone works.

I turned around to face him. Our faces were just a block away from each other, and Steve was blushing again.

"You got something to say pretty boy?" I poked his chest, causing him to stumble a bit. I huffed.

I turned around and began heading down the passage. Steve's shy and flustered expression changed to a scowl, his eye brows furrowed. He crossed his arms around his chest and walked along with me.

We came to the portal room, But suprisingly there were no gaurds on duty.

"Weird, there are usually alway gaurds on duty." I said a bit suspicious. Steve chuckled.

"What's so funny?" I crossed my arms around my chest.

"You said Duty." Steve's chukling formed into a laughter.

"Yeah, yeah. Shut up." I hissed, standing on the portal edge.

Was I really doing this? Was I really leaving my home? Well, there's no turning back now.

"Hey what's that?" I heard Steve inform from behind. I began to turn around to see what he mentioned, but I felt two hands against my back shove me in.

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