01 :: 여보세요

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maknae: hello!

amiamelia: do i know u?

maknae: i found u through your blog. I hope we can be friends

amiamelia: how did you find me through my blog???

maknae: you put your kik username on your blog ameliamia

maknae: can we be friends?

amiamelia: okay :) so u're korean?

maknae: how did u know?

amiamelia: ur username kinda gave it away lol

amiamelia: why maknae?

maknae: i'm the youngest among my hyungs

amiamelia: ohhhh okay. i'm an only child. idk what's it like to have siblings?

maknae: it's fun...

amiamelia: doesn't seem too convincing lol

amiamelia: hey i'm tired. it's almost midnight here. i'll message you tomorrow

{a/n: sorry this is boring. i'm still kinda setting everything up rn. it gets better later on in the story hopefully :) }

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