45 :: myungsoo

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amiamelia: fckkkk

amiamelia: so much kim myungsoo feelssss rn!!

maknae: too much info

amiamelia: shxxxxttt wrong send

amiamelia: sorrrrrryyyyy

amiamelia: ur still bae tho

amiamelia: ily kookie :)

maknae: ily2 mia!

amiamelia: no

amiamelia: u can't do that

amiamelia: u kill me with feels

maknae: haha xoxox

amiamelia: thats it

amiamelia: v is now my bias. u go away now lol

maknae: :'(

amiamelia: jk

amiamelia: but srsly tho kim myungsoo

amiamelia: L!!!!!

maknae: just go and fangirl to ur friend

amiamelia: sure sure xD

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