28 :: graduation

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amiamelia: yo i'm graduating high school today!

maknae: congratulations :)

amiamelia: i'm free from hs yaassss!

amiamelia: and i'm going to korea in a few days!!!

maknae: *insert graduation song lyrics here* lol

amiamelia: did you just reference young wild and free cover graduation song that jungkook jimin and jhope sang???

amiamelia: damn i think i love you

amiamelia: i don't really

amiamelia: damn that text was awkward af

amiamelia: just ignore it

amiamelia: (message not sent) but really i like you


maknae: (message not sent) i like you mia


a/n: everyone comments about the wifi... it's not the wifi.. i'm not angry that everyone thinks it is but it gets a little frustrating when i see so many comments about it. i admit, there are funny comments on the wifi and i don't really correct anyone on it bc that's how you interpret it but there's so many comments about it that i feel that no one thinks the messages aren't sent bc they're too shy to tell the other person or some other reason like they weren't in the mood to send it. the wifi isn't the only reason why the messages weren't sent.

sorry for the rant but i hope you're enjoying reading... :)

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