47 :: fame

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amiamelia: i'm feeling a little guilty asking you this but....

amiamelia: ur famous and all

amiamelia: and you know a lot of famous people

amiamelia: so... if u ever see suzy from miss a can u tell her i love her and i'm a huge fan

amiamelia: miss a is so daebak and fxckk i wanna meet them

maknae: i feel like ur just using me :(

amiamelia: lol haha i am

amiamelia: hey yo i was just joking

amiamelia: don't ignore me

amiamelia: i love youuuu koooookie!!!!!

maknae: ily2

amiamelia: so that's all it takes? an 'i love you' just for you to talk to me???

maknae: no. sorry we're practicing right now

amiamelia: holy shxxxt u shoulda told me

amiamelia: i g2g im distracting you

maknae: no don't go!

amiamelia: ha the tables have turned

amiamelia: but srsly go practice

maknae: yes eomma

amiamelia: fxck you

maknae: ;)

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