42 :: friends

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amiamelia: hey hey

maknae: annyong

amiamelia: how ya doing?

maknae: i'm fine.

maknae: how was the date?

amiamelia: guy was an a-hole

maknae: sorry to hear about that

amiamelia: its all good

amiamelia: so what was up with the drama. i saw the pic v posted

maknae: it's better u don't know

amiamelia: no fair. i tell u personal things! y can't u tell me??

maknae: fine. i'm just stressed. that's all

amiamelia: i'll pretend i believe u

amiamelia: but know that u can tell me. we're friends after all

maknae: right. we're friends :)

amiamelia: :)

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