20 :: family

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amiamelia: they're always fighting

maknae: mia?

amiamelia: i was going to ask them something important and when i went down they were screaming and fighting

amiamelia: they stopped when they saw me

amiamelia: i pretended that i didn't know they were fighting. i always pretend that i don't know that they are fighting.

amiamelia: this started some months ago. i don't know why they are fighting. i think dad cheated on mom or mom is cheating on dad. they're always fighting so i find ways to stay out of the house

amiamelia: my friends don't know this but they let me stay at their houses for a while. they always have to send me home and i don't want to go home. at home they're always fighting.

amiamelia: you're the only one i've told this

amiamelia: i'm so sorry for dumping all this on you

maknae: don't be sorry. I should thank you for trusting me enough to tell me this.

amiamelia: :)

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