The bloodcurdling screeches of brown bulbuls infiltrated Meya's dream realm. For half an hour, Meya hurtled around inside a maze like dice in a tube, racing to find the source, until she burst into reality.Cursing Freda for bestowing morning birds with the cry of dying piglets, Meya flipped to the side and opened her eyes to find a pair of beautiful eyes gray as morning light. Coris' gentle smile was lined with crooked teeth yellow as his sallow skin.
"Good morning, my lady." He whispered. Meya crinkled her nose at his morning breath, then squinted at the pouches of gray skin under his eyes.
"Not so for you, milord." She caressed the tender skin with her thumb, "Didnae sleep well, did you?"
Coris' smile sagged. He confessed with a sigh,
"Seems my body needs time to adjust to less laudanum. As you've said." He covered her hand with his, resting it over his heart. Meya couldn't resist the surge of affection and gratitude within. She pressed her lips upon his, drawing apart ten drowsy heartbeats later.
"What's this?" Coris chuckled. Heat radiated from Meya's crimson cheeks. She coiled a lock of his hair around her finger.
"So you'll have something to look forward to." She breathed coyly, leaning in once more, murmuring against his lukewarm lips, "One for every drop you take less."
Coris slid his hand behind her neck as he sealed their lips in another long kiss. He pulled away with a sigh of sleepy contentment, combing his finger through her tousled hair.
"You spoil me, Aine, but I'm afraid I'll need more than kisses to entice me." His unfurled a mischievous grin as his hand silently traveled to her shoulder, "I'm headed for some rough nights, after all."
Before Meya could process his outrageous demand, Coris rolled her onto her back. He dragged his mouth across her face, his hands exploring the rest of her.
"Coris, you donghead. Stop it!" Meya gasped when his lips freed hers to trace her jawline. Even as she dissolved into fits of giggles, she arched her body so that it fitted snugly in his, untangling her legs from the sheets to tie them around him.
Coris took his time rousing her drowsy body. His hands slid down to her hips. He brushed against her. Even through the haze of chaotic sensations, she felt something was amiss.
Oh, no. Not again.
"Coris, stop."
Coris took no heed, his face still buried in the crook of her neck. Meya selected the kindest words to break the unpleasant news.
"Coris, slow down. You're still getting ready." She whispered into his ear as she held him.
"What?" Coris drew back, impatient. A beat, then his passion-addled brain registered what she'd said. He glanced down, then a curse exploded from his lips,
"Oh, Fyr!"
Meya peeled her sweaty back off the sheets as Coris scrambled to his knees, cradling his head in his hands.
"Meya, I'm so sorry. Sorry—"
"—One more sorry and I'll knuckle you, Corien Alexis!"
Meya snapped as she pulled the trembling lad into her arms. She warmed his shoulder with her sigh, then closed her eyes and rested her head upon it.
As she listened to their heartbeats slowing down each in its own pace, she told herself to be patient. Freda knew poor Coris was under enough strain, body and mind, even before she'd confiscated his laudanum. He needed time.
Stroking his lank hair, Meya hitched up a smile,
"How about we just get ready?" Coris shifted guiltily in her embrace, "There's a library of dragon eyes waiting. Education comes first, right?"

FantasyBorn with glowing green eyes. Destined for rotten luck. Peasant girl Meya Hild was 'given' the opportunity to become a Lady. At swordpoint. By mercenaries. Engaged to a dying nobleman. Poisoned with one month to live. Tasked to loot a castle. In a...