"She could be my bride, the new Baroness Graye."
Meya hadn't time to digest the offer when Dad bolted from his chair, dragging her after him. In his rage, pain caught up to him three strides down the hall, and he crumpled to his knees.
"DAD!" screaming, Meya dove to catch him. He crouched, panting heavily, his face twisted. He swallowed his lips so she wouldn't see them trembling.
"Please, hear me speak, and you will find I mean no disrespect," Graye's calm voice called. Two shadows loomed over them, cast by his ever-ready servants. Dad had his head tilted back, drawing in deep gulps of air. He needed a while to muster strength, and Coris did tell her to hear Graye's say.
Meya turned around, her hand smoothing the cloth over Dad's shaking back. Graye rose from his seat, like a white peacock as he glided down the carpet path to kneel before her. He flourished a handkerchief to her, and Meya realized tears were streaming down her cheeks. She didn't take it, her hands stubbornly holding Dad, so he took the liberty of dabbing them dry.
"I've heard much say about you, Meya Hild," he began gently. "Masquerading as Lady Crosset, you protected Hadrian from a band of bandits, exposed greedy bloodsellers in Jaise, brought down the crooked church of Hyacinth."
His eyes traveled to settle on her hand on Dad's back, on the six-sided ruby Coris had given her months prior. Meya curled her fingers to hide it, but the damage was done. Graye's eyelids drooped in sorrow.
"You wear Hadrian's ruby, but the marriage is sealed under another's name." He shook his head, "and yet, he takes pleasure from your body, grows his heir inside your womb, grooms you to lead his battles, giving naught in return."
No, a voice inside her argued, he doesn't know our bond. I chose to lie with him. I chose to sign his contract. I chose to keep his babe. I chose to fight this battle. He's always, always given me the choice.
Yet, even as she knew the truth, her heart swayed at his blunt observations.
"Why hasn't he dissolved his marriage to Arinel and wed you proper? Why hasn't he made you Lady Hadrian, so long after your First Night? Why hasn't he given your family titles, lands and stipend befitting of a lady?" Graye cocked his head, his smile widening. "Simple—you're not a lady. You're not lawfully wedded."
We were so busy surviving, we didn't have time to!
The voice screamed in frustration, sounding laughably pathetic. The fact was Coris's wasn't a hand one should lightly take. What with his addiction, his melancholy, his family feuds and scars, his self-destroying tendencies...
"With me, you will be. The moment our union is sealed, Graye's riches are at your disposal. You can have my men carry your father wherever he wishes on a golden palanquin, have my healers mend your mother's throat and restore her Song."
"You can cloak them in the finest silk and satin, have warm hands massage away their aches and pains of age as they behold the great sea. You can give permits to all your brothers and sisters and set them free, fund any pursuit they prefer. You will then be empowered to champion your cause without worry or fear for those you left behind."
Under her palm, Dad trembled, not out of pain but fury, as if he saw the illusions conjured in Meya's mind.
Yes, how easy it would've been. Why had it never occurred to her to demand so of Coris? Because Coris would never have allowed it? Because Mum and Dad would never take it? But why? She'd done so much for others. What was wrong with asking a reward in return?

FantasyBorn with glowing green eyes. Destined for rotten luck. Peasant girl Meya Hild was 'given' the opportunity to become a Lady. At swordpoint. By mercenaries. Engaged to a dying nobleman. Poisoned with one month to live. Tasked to loot a castle. In a...