Jaise's alchemy labs were sequestered on an islet, tethered to the castle by a wooden bridge barely two man's breadth wide.A wise decision, thought Arinel as she hurried across the bridge, struggling to keep up with Bishop Riddell's brisk stride, and maintain sufficient distance from Sir Bayne so he wouldn't bump into her.
Two masked figures stood waiting at the other end, the tall, thin, gray-bearded one poised, and the shorter, plump one fidgety. Stirred by the late morning breeze, the hems of their black alchemist garbs rippled to life, brushing the tips of young green grass at their ankles.
Bishop Riddell cried as he scampered down the steps. Sameri hurried forth, reaching out to cradle Riddell's hands in his own.
"Riddell! What an honor!" The old alchemist's vocal chords sounded strained to their limits. Arinel imagined him beaming behind his mask as he shook Riddell's hands heartily, "I've been raring to get my hands on a copy of your treatise! And here you are in person!"
Sameri indicated Riddell's towering physique with pale, lined and scarred palms. Riddell deflected the praise with a wave of his equally marred hand.
"Diamat, my dear man, the honor is mine. Meriton couldn't thank you enough for sharing your knowledge."
Diamat Sameri shook his head with a tired smile.
"Troubled times, troubled times." He mused, his gravelly voice trailing away into a deep sigh, "Elements would have to wait, then?"
He turned to Arinel and Jerald, a smile of polite interest on his lopsided lips. Riddell flourished his hand towards Arinel,
"This is...Haselle. My, ah...apprentice."
Sameri cocked his head. Arinel gouged at the fabric of her dress. The bishop still wasn't quite at home with Lady Crosset being his lab maid. Hoping to deflect suspicion, Riddell hurried on,
"Sir Bayne, head of Lady Hadrian's guards, insisted on accompanying us. I've instructed them to behave. I hope you wouldn't mind."
Riddell bowed. Sameri cackled.
"Ah, my master, bless his soul. He used to say there's no sin in curiosity. Keeps your brain young." Sameri smiled wistfully as he studied Arinel, envious of her youth. He heaved a mournful sigh, "True for Tyberne, in a way. Why, poor fellow's brain hadn't the chance to age!"
Arinel jolted. Tyberne? Mother's master? She glanced at Jerald, forgetting she couldn't see his face. Sameri rested his hand on the shoulder of the short alchemist next to him.
"Dineira set off for home that same day. Kept the wife and I on tenterhooks for a fortnight. Not a single letter! We thought you'd died along with Tyberne, you thoughtless lass!"
Sameri jabbed his mostly intact finger at his daughter's thick shoulder. Dineira flinched away with a yowl of pain,
"For the umpteenth time, I'm sorry, Dad! I was on the road. Hadn't heard of the fire. It's been seventeen years! Can you forgive me already?"
Sameri thrust up his nose. Riddell chortled as Dineira hung her head,
"You apprenticed with Tyberne, Dineira?" He asked. Dineira nodded eagerly,
"Yes, sir. I meant to come home just for a visit, but after such a close call, my father thought it best to never let me out of his sight."
She threw her overprotective father a pout, but Sameri had become intrigued by the peeling skin under his nails. Riddell shook his head.

FantasyBorn with glowing green eyes. Destined for rotten luck. Peasant girl Meya Hild was 'given' the opportunity to become a Lady. At swordpoint. By mercenaries. Engaged to a dying nobleman. Poisoned with one month to live. Tasked to loot a castle. In a...