13 - The Warning

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Ceremonial knocks came from the door before the visitor made his merry way in without waiting for the host's permission.

"Wake up, Brother. The sun's singeing a new hole through your arse." Zier called as he set a small table laden with a food tray by the bed, "I brought breakfast, so giddy up."

Coris didn't wiggle a toe as he yawned,

"I'm not hungry. Go ahead, I know you want it."

Shaking his head, Zier opened the lids on the bowls and plates.

"No deal. Mother demanded I sit on you until you finish every last drop of soup before I can proceed with my life."

Coris moaned. Rolling his eyes, Zier pounced onto the bed, flattening his brother, who sent up a muffled oof.

"Get up and eat, bone-bags! You grow any thinner and people will think Father's starving you!" He hollered into Coris' ear.

"Alright, gerroff me. I'm up, I'm up."

Coris peeled himself from the soft, bouncy bed with the speed and willingness of a bandage left too long over a scabbing wound. Zier rolled off and bounded to the floor. Coris noticed a new set of robes Arinel had laid for him on the bed. He pulled on the linen undergarments.

"By the way, where's Ari?"

Zier froze, then unfurled a sly, knowing grin.

"So, it's Ari now, eh? Whatever happened to Lady Arinel?"

Coris blushed. Ignoring Zier, he slipped his legs into the trousers, but alas, Zier was not to be deterred.

"Arinel said you two haven't done it, but you weren't wearing anything. And you look dead pooped." Zier propped his chin on the bed, his grin widening,

"I know you usually don't sleep in the nude, and it isn't summer yet. Thus, I arrived at the inevitable conclusion: CORIS HADRIAN HAS LOST HIS VIRGINI―"


Coris flung his shirt at Zier's face, stuffing his brother's fat mouth full of silk. Zier snatched off the shirt, revealing his face still full of smiles. Coris yanked him in by the shoulder.

"Yes, we did it, but don't you breathe a word of this to anyone, understand? Especially Father and Mother." He hissed through gritted teeth. Zier blinked,

"Why not? The sooner she's pregnant the better, isn't it?" He narrowed his eyes, "You do know they're going to keep nagging you about it, don't you?"

"It's no use, Zier. The healers all agreed. I'm too weak to sire an heir."

Coris grabbed the shirt back from Zier, pulled it over his head, then slid down to the floor, fuming as he stirred the steaming soup for it to cool.

"Father knows, and yet he went through with the marriage. And Arinel insisted we do it anyway. She may not care much about herself, but I do. I must protect her future."

"But you've never slept with anyone before. How can you be so sure you can't give her a babe?"

"Even if I could, I don't want to. Why would I father a child I know I won't live to care for? It's cruel for the child and the mother."

Zier's face fell. He hung his head, scratching glumly at the reed-thin groove between flagstones. He was hoping Coris would have a son with Arinel, who'd become Baron instead of him. Zier had never wanted the Hadrian seat—he'd always dreamed of living the spare's carefree life. It pained Coris to dash his brother's faint hopes time and again,

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