31 - Eavesdroppers

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Arinel decided not to report to her post at Bishop Riddell's lab. Instead, she slipped into the scullery. Zier's rebellion might have left her reeling, but Arinel's mind was made long before Gretella swept into the scullery for a morning briefing with Head Cook Apollon. Just as she had anticipated.

The Baron had ordered Coris to tend to Meya until she fully recovered. Someone must bring up their breakfast to remind them to stay in their room and procreate.

Seeing her window of opportunity, Arinel made her way to the station near where the two were conversing, signaling with a tilt of her head for the Crossetian maid working there to hurry away and take up her old post.

"Lord Coris will be keeping watch over Lady Arinel this morning. Please prepare their meals separately and have it brought straight to their chambers. The healer recommends light, easy to digest food for the Lady, and lukewarm herbal tea to reduce the pain and swelling."

Head Cook Apollon nodded vigorously, his meaty chin wiggling.

"Very well, madam." He accepted earnestly. With a ghost of a smile on his thin lips, he raised an eyebrow, "Would your Lady prefer rosehip or ginger?"

Even under the dingy light, Arinel could have sworn Gretella was blushing. She stood frozen but for her blinking eyes, then thawed to her old haughty self.

"Which would go best with her main dish?" She asked, her voice oddly hearty. Apollon tilted his head as he thought, but his eyes never left Gretella.

"Lord Coris has his own herb gruel recipe prescribed by the healer. I'm thinking perhaps the Lady could have the same for breakfast. It's very healthy, and it goes marvelously with ginger tea." He clapped his hands enthusiastically, "And I'll send up dessert with the rosehip for mid-morning tea. Works wonders for reluctant newlyweds."

Apollon beckoned Gretella to lean in, whispering behind fingers riddled with cuts and grazes. Arinel strained her ears to catch the gossip,

"Just between you and me. Me and my rosehip brew, we share credit for the night The Baron finally begot Lord Coris. And if it worked for the sire, why not try it with the scion, eh?"

Apollon chuckled deviously, his eyes twinkling with glee. Gretella, however, looked pained,

"I appreciate your humor, Sir Apollon, but would it be for the best if they conceived a babe?"

She argued softly. Apollon shook his head, his empty, playful grin now weighed with sorrow,

"It's not just humor, my good woman." He whispered, the spark in his brown eyes dimming,

"We all know Coris is against having an heir, but duty aside, hope might do more good for poor lad than he realizes."

"Hope?" Gretella mouthed. Apollon sighed, his expression weary,

"Tenorus always said food and herbs can only do so much for the body, if the heart has resigned itself to death. So the Baron pushed for the marriage. To show Coris he hasn't given up, even if Coris has."

Apollon heaved a deep sigh. He clearly knew Coris well, probably having bonded over their pet projects introducing new cuisine to Hadrian.

Gretella's eyes wandered, then caught Arinel staring up at her from where she was crouched, washing a cartload of cabbages in a large wooden tub. She raised a careworn eyebrow, awaiting her command.

Arinel understood Gretella's dilemma, but she'd made her decision. Lies are bound to be exposed someday. It would complicate things if Meya became pregnant with Coris's child by then. They couldn't keep sending her Silfum candles; it wasn't always effective.

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