Ch. 3 ~The Next Day~

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*ping* (which is the sound a phone makes)

   You looked over to your phone, taking a much wanted break from homework. It was from Gym-Boy. Who, as the message read, was apparently named Yamaguchi.

"He types nice haha. Cute." You thought to yourself as you read the message.

   You checked your schedule, a thing that you definitely have, and it seemed like you would be able to make it most of the days he said. In your hurry to reply, so that he wouldn't think that you had left him on read, you stumbled through your words and may or may not have made quite a few typos, leading it to read something along the lines of-

"Heey! My name's (Y/N)! I could probably make Teusdays and Thursdays, but not all of the days, ya know? Cool? Cool. see yoy then! That is if yu still want to, at least, I fon't have to if you don't want to, it's up to you. ^ - ^"

   It obviously wasn't the most grammatical thing you had ever written, but it was hard to press the right letters when your hands were shaking almost non-stop. You weren't quite sure why; you had been just fine before. Was it cold or something? Maybe a cold front had just spontaneously swept through the town in less than two minutes and somehow made it's way to you, making you shake. It was most definitely not because you were nervous because you hadn't done anything like this before and maybe he was kind of cute,  but you weren't going to focus on that right now, because you definitely weren't thinking about that at all, no you were just cold.

   When you had finally wrapped yourself up in enough blankets ('cause you were cold) you fell asleep, only to be awoken by the sound of your parents crashing around in the kitchen getting ready for work. Wow, you had somehow managed to wake up only 30 minutes before your alarm, so you just decided to lay there curled up in all the blankets you were still wrapped up in from last night. Shiro had decided to join you at some point and you didn't want to risk disturbing him.

   But eventually you had to get up. You rolled over to check your phone that was on your nightstand only to feel that there was in fact no bed on that side so all you managed to accomplish was falling out of your bed onto the floor with a loud thunk. Well, if you weren't awake before, you are now.

   You got ready for the day, trying to eat as you went (because as we all know, you should usually eat breakfast). By the time you got to school, the events form the night before were practically spilling out of your mouth already, but of course you couldn't just tell anyone. Atlas and Kure were always there before you but you were so excited this morning that you got there before both of them, (to their utter  disbelief).

"Whoah, (Y/N)!! You're here early today? This is unusual. Are you sure your feelin' alright?" Kure asked, slightly concerned.

"Couldn't sleep?" Atlas added.

"Haha very funny, good guesses." You said sarcastically. I actually have exciting news for you guys! You'll never guess what happened-"

"Finally got a new alarm clock?" Said Atlas interrupting.

"Sheesh-I GET IT! I'm usually late-"

"You're always late," laughed Kure. "But please, tell us this oh so exciting news your speak of."

"Hmph-alright. So I met this guy the other day, and but the other day I mean yesterday-"

   Thier faces lit up with curiosity at this statement, but you quickly shut them down.

"Stop your fantasizing, it's not like that. He said he'd teach me how to jump float serve."

"Oh, I see. And what makes this dude trustworthy? I'm afraid I'm going to have to see some of his credentials. Just to make sure he's not sketchy. You never know. He could be a murderer. He could kick puppies for fun on his days off. He could be the type of guy to drink orange juice after brushing his teeth for all you know (Y/N)!!! ORANGE JUICe!!" Said Kure as she shook you by your shoulders.

   Okay, they were obviously still imagining things, just completely different things this time. Still not good things. But you were pretty sure the guy wasn't sketch. I mean, just look at him. He probably couldn't hurt a fly. Well, on second thought, maybe be could, but he most likely would not. But they had a point. It's necessarily a good idea to trust strangers you just met, especially guys.

  But who knew, maybe something great would come out this. Only time will tell. 


Hey! Spiffy here! This chapter was pretty hard to write haha. School has been keeping me pretty busy lately. I'm so sorry it's been a while, as usual, thank you for reading and another thank you to Atlas and Kure! I have a lot of ideas for the next ch. so please look forward to it! ✌︎ ^-^

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