Ch. 10 ~Fireworks~

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   The place he had taken you was farther away from all the large crowds. In fact, there was hardly anyone in sight, save for a few other couples in the distance. You thought you saw a girl that looked kind of like Kure, but it was dark and the girl was with some guy you didn't know, so you shrugged it off.

   Yamaguchi sat on the ground, holding his hand out as a suppport for you as you followed him. Luckily, the ground was nice and dry, odd for the amount of rain from the past days, but fortunate nonetheless. He smiled at you, then turned to look towards the sky.

   "The show's going to start soon. Have you ever seen it before?"

   "No, actually. I've only been to a festival once, but that was a long time ago and I barely remember it." You leaned back, using your arms to hold you up.

   "Well, I hope you enjoyed this one." He paused, stopping to look at you, then back at the night sky. "I used to come to these all the time as a kid. It was something my parents always made sure to do at least once during the summer, even if they were busy.

   "I remember one time, at least from what I'm told, I ate so much food I got sick for the whole week after. But my favorite part has always been the fireworks at the end of the day.

   "My mom would tell me the fireworks were actually exploding stars. And I believed her for the longest time! But I never got to see much of them. I'd always fall asleep during the middle of the show."

   It was cute. You could just picture a young Yamaguchi curled up in his mother's arms. Seriously though, who gave this boy the right to be as cute as he was?

   "Ha! Just be sure not to fall asleep this time, okay?"

   "(Y/nnn), I haven't done that in years!" You looked at him sceptically, and he relented. "Alright, fine. Maybe I did it last time too. But it was an accident and I was tired!"

   He blushed, both from embarrassement and from your cute, cheeky little grin.

   "If you say so. But if you fall asleep, I'm not carrying you back home."

   He was about to protest again, but above your heads, a bang went off. The show had started and you hadn't even noticed.

   The sky lit up in a flurry of colors. Red, then yellow, then blue and green. Some were in shapes and others simply exploded in a ball of light.

   "Wow...they're beautiful!" You could barely even speak. The spectacle nearly took your breath away. You had never seen anything like it before.

   "Yeah." His voice was filled with wonder, and you turned to look at him. He wasn't looking at the sky anymore. His eyes were focused on you and you only. "Just like you."

   He leaned forward, and before you could process what was happening, he placed a kiss right in the middle of your forehead.

   Forget the fireworks outside, it felt like fireworks were going on inside you, bursting here and there and making your heart flutter. You looked at Yamaguchi, shocked, and his expression changed from one of complete adoration to one very similar to your own.

He clasped his hands over his mouth, almost falling in his rush to get away from you, and apologizing quicker than you thought humanly possible.

   "It's okay, Yamaguchi. I don't mind. And, may I?"

He looked confused, but you leaned over to where he had stumbled away to, placing your lips on his forehead in the same way he had to you.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

   "Atlas, Atlas, Atlas, Atlas!"

   "What? What is it?"

   "Did you see them?!"

   Atlas sighed. "Of course I saw them, we're both looking at them."

   Kure didn't reply except to let out a high pitched squeal, flapping her hands about in excitement.

   "Huh? Atlas, I've never heard you squeal before!"

   "What? I didn't squeal??"

   "Then what was that ear piercing noise I just heard?!"

   "SHIMADA- you're so embarrassing- I'm going to leave-"


   "I couldn't care LESS sir! Why am I here?!"

   Ah, so that was what it was. It was those two guys from earlier. What were they doing spying on (Y/n) like that? Granted, Kure and Atlas had been doing the same thing, but Kure wouldn't listen to the logical things like that that Atlas tried to tell her. Vengeance must be served!

   "Who are you and what do you want with (Y/n)?" Kure said, brandishing a fan like a sword and pointing it in the two men's faces. They fell back, shocked at the sudden fan in their faces.

   "(Y/n)? We're here for Yamaguchi." The older of the two men spoke, and from the information Kure had so surreptitiously gathered beforehand while listening to the two talking very loudly, his name was Shimada. "Oh, perhaps I should explain myself. I'm Yamaguchi and (Y/n)'s father teacher. Nice to meet you. And you are?"

   Kure didn't expect such a blunt answer from him. She blinked a couple times, taken aback, before responding.

   "Umm, I'm Kure, and this is Atlas. We're friends of (Y/n). I assume you're here for the same reason we are?"

   "If your reason is to protect your child and make sure their first date goes well, then yes."

   Yep, they were on the same track. Maybe even the same train. Of thought? Definitely not an actual train. That would be weird.

   "And who are those two young men?"

   Kure had completely forgotten about festival boy and his friend, which was a first. They had been standing there watching the whole situation unravel. The red haired one seemed very intrigued, but festival boy just seemed more confused than anything. Kure couldn't blame him. They had originally just come up here to watch the fireworks, but they found (Y/n) again and just had to see what was going on.

   "Kure, the fireworks are almost finished. Would you like to continue watching them?" Festival boy asked, still very confused and just wanting to watch the fireworks. Which, didn't really need explanation, as it was basically what he had just said himself.

   "Ah, yes, of course, sorry." She waved goodbye to Shimada and the other guy, still not explaining who festival boy and his friend were. "Well, see you at (Y/n) and Yamaguchi's wedding! Bye!"

   They walked away, finally going to actually watch the fireworks, and (Y/n) and Yamaguchi were none the wiser, wrapped up in their own little world with only the two of them in it.


Hey! Spiffy here! Hope you guys enjoyed the ch. Sorry it's taken forever to get this ch out, I kept forgetting to upload it haha, As always big thanks to Kure! Yet again she has written alot for this ch! As always thanks to you guys for reading this far! Please look forward to the next ch! ✌︎^-^

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