Ch. 2 ~Conversation~

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   As soon as the match ended, in a win of course, and they stepped off the court, you rushed down the stairs. You were in such a rush that you nearly tripped at least five times on the way down. But you had to get to him before they left, otherwise, when would you get an opportunity like this again?

   You would have asked your coach to teach you but while she was certainly enthusiastic, and a great coach, she wasn't too well-versed is some of the more specialized moves. And there weren't any girls on your team that knew how to jump float serve either, or you would go to them. And not to mention the countless videos you watched just weren't doing it for you. That was why you needed to talk to that boy. Sure, maybe he would say no, or he could just turn out to be a complete weirdo, but but maybe he was normal. And maybe, just maybe, he could finally teach you what you had been looking for for months.

Their coach talked to them for a little while, reviewing the match, but you were getting impatient. You didn't think you would be able to contain your excitement for much longer while pacing back and forth in hallway. Finally, they had to leave the court to make room for the next team and you saw your chance.

That boy, he was walking next to a tall blond haired boy with glasses, if you remembered correctly, he was one of their middle blockers, along with the hyperactive springy tangerine. When he finally saw you standing there, he jumped, startled.

"H-hello? Can I help you?" he asked with a confused and slightly worried face.

You completely froze. This always happens. All the lines you were practicing in your head while you were waiting for him just seemed to throw themselves out the window as soon as he spoke.

"U-uh-do you want to talk to Tsukki?" He asked, pointing to the tall blonde beanpole standing next to him that looked like he could not care less about the situation.

"N-no" You stammered.

"I just saw your game and your serves were really amazing! D-do you think you could teach me how to serve like that too? I've always wanted to learn how!" You said.

He jumped and stared at you in what seemed like utter disbelief. It also looked like you had peaked this "Tsukki" guy's interest.

"M-my serves?! You want me to teach you? he asked, still shaken by the sudden question.

"U-um y-yes...I mean if it's not too much trouble for you of course." You said laughing nervously.

Now it looked like he was the one who froze up.

"I-I mean...I..." He started to say as a slight tint of pink flushed to his face.

   As he was still trying to form a sentence with his scattered words, "Tsukki" nudged him slightly in the side to get his attention, then gave him a slight upwards head nod in your direction. The whole time, he had the same uninterested face as before, but you could at least tell that this was his way of "reassuring" him. And it seemed to work, though you had no earthly clue how, you guessed they had to be close friends.

"If your sure you want to then, I mean, y-yeah! Okay! I probably won't be the best teacher, as I'm still learning myself. I can try my best to tell you what I know, even though it's not that much..." He kept talking, getting quieter and quieter as he went until you could barely hear his words.

"That's great!!! You yelled, maybe a little too loudly. "So, um, can I have your number or something then, you know, so we can stay in contact and maybe set up a date?"

Those were perhaps not the best words you could have chosen, as it caused both of your faces to explode with a red glow as soon as what you just said registered in your heads. But once you both collected yourselves enough to actually exchange numbers, it went pretty smoothly, despite both of your hands shaking so much you both kept nearly dropping the small slips of paper that you had given to each other.

When he and the telephone pole caught up with their team again, they all nearly pounced on the boy, badgering him with questions, most of which you assumed were about you. You laughed quietly at them as you turned, full of energy to go to try and find your team again...wherever they had gone.

****************************************** Yamaguchi's POV

Think Tadashi! Think! How are you supposed to text a cute girl? It shouldn't be that hard, right? Just say something along the lines of:

"Hey, it's the guy from the tournament earlier! You said you wanted to learn how to do a jump float serve right? How does 4:00 PM Saturday at the park sound?"

See, that wasn't too bad. He could just go with something like that. Or he could continue staring at his phone, looking at the near empty screen just waiting for the words to come out of him just like he had done for the past forty-five minutes.

Yeah, the second option seemed like the best one. At least, whether it was the best one or not, it was the one he chose. But eventually, about thirty minutes later, he finally settled on something to say.

"Hello, my name is Yamaguchi Tadashi. I'm the guy you talked to at the tournament earlier today. If you are still up to it, you could come join me as I learn how to jump float serve cause I'm still technically learning myself haha. If this is what you want, I practice at the Shimada Mart at five o'clock after school. If you decide to come, I will be waiting out front."

   There. That wasn't too formal was it? Maybe it wasn't the most natural sounding thing in the world, but at least it didn't sound rude. And it let her know all the information that he could think of that she might need to know. Now all he had to to was press the send button.

   You know...maybe he should just wait a bit more. It was just a little button though, it shouldn't be this intimidating.

   A nearby clock chimed, startling Yamaguchi, causeing him to yeet his phone out of the stratosphere. And it was never seen again. Well, at least till he found it on the floor after scrambling around for it for a good 10 minutes. It had somehow managed to get underneath several of the clothes scattered across the ground.

   He picked it up, turning it on again, prepared to stare at it for at least another hour, but when he read it, the screen said the one thing he feared the most. Delivered. Well maybe to say he feared it the most was a bit of an exaggeration. But there was no turning back now.


Hey! Spiffy here! Thank you so much for reading this far! Again let's also say thank you to this story's other authors Kure and Atlas! I apologize for my awful updating schedule but I have a ton of school work *cries in sleep deprivation* lol. But anyways, please look forward to the next chapter! See you guys then!

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