Ch. 7 ~Advice~

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Yamaguchi's POV

"Mr. Shimadaaaa!"

   "Ah! Tadashi! How's it goin? Oh-where's
(Y/N)?" Shimada asked.

   "Oh, it's Friday, remember? She can only make it Tuesdays and Thursdays."

   Yamaguchi sat down on one of the nearby empty crates that Shimada kept at the back of the store and began changing out of his school shoes and into his volleyball ones. He had already come wearing practice clothes, but he didn't want to mess up his shoes.

   "Awww that's right, I forgot, that's too bad. You know Tadashi, when I was your age-"

   "You're like, twenty six."

   "When I was your age," Shimada continued, louder than before. "And this may surprise you, but I was not all too popular with the ladies. But you see, now that I'm older, I've learned some things in my time."

   "Aren't you single?"

   "That's irrelevant. But as I was saying, you've gotta play it cool. Be romantic. Tell her how you feel."

   "Are you trying to give me relationship advice for a relationship I'm not even in and don't even want to be in?"

   "Are you sure you don't want to be in a relationship with (Y/n)? Because from what I've seen, you're absolutely smitten."

   Shimada sat down beside Yamaguchi, who had stopped putting his shoes on halfway and now only had one shoe on.

   He thought about it. Did he like (Y/n)? He thought back to all the things they had done together. He thought about their practices, and how she always laughed at herself whenever she made a mistake. He had always liked her laugh. He thought about their restaurant visits and how she always smiled during them. He had always liked her smile. He liked seeing her happy. Maybe...maybe he did like her after all. Wait, was that what Tsukki was talking about?

   "I think you're right Mr. Shimada." Yamaguchi sighed. "I do like (Y/n)."

   He does, he really does like her.

   "Mmhmm, see? Doesn't it feel better knowing how you feel now?" Shimada smiled.

   "Yeah, you were right Mr. Shimada, but what do I do now? How would I even begin to tell her my feelings, what if I tell her but it only makes things awkward between us because she doesn't like me back?" Yamaguchi said sadly.

   "Tadashi my boy, I can't tell you for certain that she likes you too but, I can confidently say that it is about a 99.98% chance from what I've seen of you two together. You're a smart, kind, and funny boy. What can I say? I've raised you well! I can say that I know this: I know how much your confidence has grown over the time I've been helping you practice. I have all the faith in the world in you Tadashi." Shimada said, giving Yamaguchi a proud look.

   Yamaguchi nodded, a bit embarrassed at such heavy praise, but it made him happy.

   "So what should I do? I can't just tell her! What if she hates me for it and then she never wants to see me again and the only way she'll see me is at my funeral when I inevitably die from loneliness and the only reason she would come to my funeral is to untie the tie that I'm buried with?"

   "Okay Tadashi, calm down. That's not going to happen. At most she'll say something along the lines of 'no thank you, I don't want to be in a romantic relationship with you' and you can move on and still be friends okay?"

   "Yeah, okay."

   "So, how about we get to practicing, and then after we're done, you can talk to (Y/n), alright?"


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

   Here it was, that moment that Yamaguchi had been dreading. He had hoped that practice would last just a bit longer so that maybe he could procrastinate more, but unfortunately for him, it was over before he knew it. He had no choice but to do it now. Well, he supposed it could wait until he got home. Oh, but then it would be too late, he should really just do it tomorrow. No. He shook his head, clearing his brain like an Etch-a-sketch. He had to do it now. If he didn't do it now, he might never do it. And he had promised Mr. Shimada he would.

   He got out his phone and searched through his contacts. It wasn't hard to find her name, as it was second under Tsukki. It was her name, an icon of a volleyball, and a little smiley face right next to it. He clicked on it, incredibly nervous for what he was about to do.

   What should he write? He didn't want to come off as rude, or desperate, or nervous (even though he was). And where was he even supposed to ask her out to? He had been too busy worrying about asking that he neglected to actually figure out where they might even go if she were to say yes.

   He stopped walking, looking around and trying to think. There! He spotted a flyer for the annual summer festival. He had always loved going to it as a child! He let out a little gasp of excitement. That would be perfect! He could invite (Y/N) to it! Just the thought of spending time with (Y/N) at a festival filled him with such a happy feeling.

   He can do this. He can do this. Now what should he say? "Hey, there's a festival and if you wanted to, you could, ya know, come with me." Would that work? He didn't know. It didn't sound quite right. It didn't sound quite wrong either though. Why did this have to be so hard? But he knew he had to just bite the bullet, both for his and (Y/N)'s sake. If this bombs, it's all Shimada's fault. He took a deep breath and sent the message.

   He waited. And waited. And waited. The words underneath his message changed, now saying "Read 8:04 PM". No reply. Oh, she must hate him now or something. He knew he never should have said anything. He turned around, finding the nearest wall and leaned his face against it in shame.

   But from his phone, three little dots popped up. "(Y/n) is typing".


Hey! Spiffy here! I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Let's all give a round of applause to Kure! I helped her out a little more this chapter haha. Thanks to you guys as always for reading! We hit 100 views on the story!*confetti* Please look forward to the next Chapter, see you guys then! ✌︎^-^

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