chapter 8 : sideburns

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hey my loves

i just wanted to say thank you for 1000+ views 🥺🥺

i haven't updated in a bit, so enjoy the double update today

also make sure you read chapter 4, before this one or it'll be hella confusing

happy reading!



"I'm not going to the ball, Rosalie," Amelia groaned for the hundredth time.

"Amelia, please! You have to!" she pleaded, practically begging  on her knees. "It'll be suspicious if you don't attend!"

"What am I going to do there? It's not like I have anyone there to talk to!!!" 

"Keep your voice down!" Rosalie hushed as she walked to the bedroom door slowly, quietly moving on the tip of her toes.

She opened the door, peeked through the hall to see if anyone was there (thankfully there wasn't), and shut the door as quietly as she opened it.

It had been 10 days since Amelia moved to London with Rosalie and consequently, it had also been 10 days since they switched lives.

It had truly been the most nerve wracking 10 days of Amelia's life.

She felt as though everyone who had come in contact with her would see right through her, and immediately figure their ruse out.

It was hard for her to understand that anyone with a right mind would believe she was a blue-blooded debutante and not the poor daughter of a lower-class farmer and maid.

Rosalie continued to give lessons throughout the week, but it was hopeless.

Amelia just weren't made for this lifestyle.

"Why don't you come with me?," she pleaded desperately.

"I can't. Tonight's only for the eligible, something only one of us in this room is."

"Can't I atleast wear the purple one,"  Amelia groaned as she itched at her arms. "This one is unbelievably uncomfortable."

"No," Rose replied impassively. "Well, I already wore that dress last year and Rosalie Warner cannot be seen wearing a dress from last season."

"Well, considering, I am the one pretending to be Rosalie Warner now, I say that it's perfectly fine," Amelia said smiling as she walked over to the drawer.

Rosalie immediately stood in front of her, blocking her way with a hairbrush in hand, "don't you freaking dare."

She sat Amelia in front of the mirror, as she began to style her hair. "Let me teach you another lesson. This will be lesson number 9: If a debutant wants to look elite, her clothes mustn't ever repeat," she said proudly.

Amelia looked at her with complete and utter disbelief, "there's no way that's actually a saying."

"I said it, so it is."

Before she could retort, the door opened and they  were greeted by Lady Levski.

"Almost ready, Ms. Warner?"

Amelia glanced up at Lady Levski as she waited for Rosalie to answer. Several silent seconds passed until Rose nudged her in the back, reminding her that she wasRosalie."

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