chapter 26 : garden

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As the sunlight dwindled down and the wind blew harsher, only few guests were left, all of them dispersed on the dance floor.

The orchestra continued to play, their presence was the only thing that kept the party going.

"I love this song," Mabel said out loud as she and Eloise sat on a picnic blanket under a tree.

After cutting the cake, the two spent the rest of the afternoon hiding in the corner of the courtyard, getting to know each other better.

Thankfully, the party was so lively and most of the focus was on Anthony and his new "dance partner," that Eloise and Mabel's absence went completely unnoticed.

"So why don't you go dance?"

"All by myself? That's no fun," Mabel frowned.

"Well, I'm sure there is a man somewhere here or there who would love to dance with you," Eloise teased.

"Oh, won't that be charming?" Mabel scowled in response.

Eloise knew they were only joking but she could see a twinge of disappointment on Mabel's face as she gazed at the dance floor.

"Come on, let's go," Eloise stood and grabbed Mabel's hand. It was late and barely anyone could see them right now.

"Where are we going?" Mabel whispered excitedly.

"You'll see."


Eloise let her through the perimeter of the yard where it was too dark for anyone to see. Taking a shortcut, she held Mabel's wrist tighter and led her under the arch and into the garden.

The garden was fairly dim and quiet, the only light came from a small fountain that stood further away.

It was a pretty romantic scene. The intimate lighting, the rose-scented air emerging from the garlands that hung on the grass walls, all tied together with the music that echoed from the courtyard.

It was perfect.

"What are we doing here?" Mabel asked, her eyebrows raised with curiosity.

"You said you wanted to dance," Eloise smirked as she placed her hand around Mabel's waist.

"Excuse me, you haven't asked for my dance card yet?

Eloise paused for a second before remembering their first encounter at Lady Danbury's ball. She rolled her eyes. "I hate you," she mumbled under her breath before bringing Mabel closer to her chest and starting to sway.

Mabel couldn't hold her grin back." Eloise, who knew you were such a romantic?", she giggled.

"Shut up," Eloise huffed, but she couldn't stop herself from grinning either.

They swayed under the moonlight as the song concluded, both still unafraid to look each other in the eye.

"I really had a great time tonight," Mabel smiled, looking down at her toes. "Please tell your family I said thank you for the invitation."

Eloise chuckled. "Trust me, Mae, they're thanking their lucky stars for you. Apparently, I've become less...irritated lately, as my mother puts it."

"Really? I'm quite flattered."

"Mabel, may I ask you something?"


"Well you see, I've wanted to ask you something for a while now." Eloise hesitated for a moment. "You haven't told me yet why you moved to Grosvenor Square."

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