chapter 23 : (un)invitation

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Amelia swore she could feel her heart shriek with glee when she received an invitation to the Duke of Hastings' estate for his sister-in-law's birthday party.

She and Rosalie squealed in anticipation as they opened the letter addressed from Anthony's sister, the Duchess.

Amelia unspooled the silver ribbon and held the paper out, "Dear Ms. Rosalie Warner, the Duke and Duchess invite you cordially to Clyvedon for a celebration of Miss Hyacinth Bridgerton."

Rosalie looked at her with widened eyes, "I am so regretting switching lives with you right now. You can't believe how much I want to go to Clyvedon!!"

Amelia laughed at her outburst and snatched the letter out of her hands. She read it over and over until the words finally sank in: she was going to meet his family.

Was this Anthony's doing?

Or his mother's?
she thought.

She hadn't talked to him since that night.

The night they kissed.

Days after, she could still feel the feeling of his lips lingering on hers. She exhaled and stood up, shaking her fingers, trying to make herself forget about the whole ordeal.

She hadn't told Rosalie yet about the kiss; she didn't know why not. She was her best friend of course, but there was a part of Amelia's heart that felt guilty.

Or was it that she didn't actually feel guilty that made her feel more guilt?

The thoughts of it all was overwhelming and she jumped on the bed, staring at the ceiling, holding the letter to her chest, squealing.

Anthony Bridgerton, she thought.

I think you're growing on me.


FUCK YOU Anthony Bridgerton!!!!, Amelia screamed internally.

It was two days later & he had just sent a letter, stating that she shouldn't come to the party because he didn't want his family to make a grand deal out of it.

Jesus Christ

Why was he so intent on letting her hopes down?

The ruse was going so well. Didn't he have faith that she would be able to handle it well?

She and Rosalie had already picked out a dress and had spent an hour digging through their effects, finding a diamond necklace that once belonged to Amelia's mother.

It wasn't real, of course.

She would never have been able to afford it.

Amelia thought about her. What she would say if she saw her and her life right now?

She'd probably laugh, she thought. Amelia, always getting into the most bizarre of situations, she used to say.

She glanced at the invitation, most bizarre one yet mama.

Amelia folded the necklace and put it back into the suitcase. Anthony had ruined any chance of her wearing it.

Why did he uninvite her? Was he that embarrassed? Did he really mean what he wrote in the letter? Surely not, the ruse was going well so far; Whistledown had moved on to other affairs and any gossip of him ceased.

Did he not need her anymore? Was that it?

But he would have told her that it was over? Right? He wouldn't just stop talking to her forever?

He couldn't stoop that low? Or could he?

Or was it the kiss? Did he regret it? Did he think it was a mistake?

Because despite Amelia's complexing thoughts about the viscount, she knew one thing for sure:

She didn't regret that kiss at all.

And the second thing she was completely sure of, is that she hoped it wouldn't be the last.

"Amelia, I'm home," Rosalie whispered as she walked into the bedroom.

She was wearing a giddy smile and in one hand, a hanger draped with fabric in the shape of a dress.

"What are you doing with that?" Amelia asked.

"Guess who got an invitation to the party?"

"No way," she huffed. "To Clyvedon?"

She nodded ecstatically as she twirled around with the dress in her hands.

Amelia could barely mention the status of her invitation and now her best friend had her own.

"How did you even acquire an invitation?"

"Well, apparently Lady Levski is good friends with the Dowager Viscountess. I met her today at the market and I was so charming," Amelia rolled her eyes. "That she extended her invite to me and a friend. You know what that means?" she smirked. "I have a plus one."

She danced around the room, the dress still in her arms. "Who shall I take? I mean, I know Emmett's waiting for me at home but I deserve a good afternoon's company, nothing more of course. I am a taken woman."

Suddenly, what had seemed so bleak initially had clearly become a sign from the universe in Amelia's mind.

She smirked knowingly, wondering what his reaction would be when he saw her.

"What's that smile for?" Rosalie asked with raised brows.

Anthony Bridgerton didn't want her there,

but he was certainly not going to stop her.



double post tonight!!

i love these 2 🥺
read the next chapter for some adorableness

if you liked this chapter

i love y'all



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