Chapter 6

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Trigger Warning!

Now settle in fokes.


Slade stared at the boy sitting in front of the TV. If he were three or four it would be adorable, watching him as his head tilted back and froth in a cruise fashion. Ok even at the age of nine it was adorable. There was just one problem. That said boy had not had a bath in all the time he was here. Wintergreen was getting irritated and even Slade had to admit that the boy needed a wash. The boy needed a wash the first time he was brought into the Haunt.


The boy hummed not taking his attention off of the screen.

Slade could still see the pristine white bandages on the boy's left arm, making the man's gut churn, "Dick. You need a bath."

The boy went incredibly still. Slade could feel the flight instant take effect. Dick moved fast. Faster then Slade ever would have thought. Nearly making it out of the den's arch way before Slade nabbed him. The man could feel the boy trembling in his arms as he went back over to the couch and sat down.

"Now Dick, I know you don't like baths for what ever reason, but you need one." Slade started trying to find a way to get the boy in a bath without traumatizing him or brining bad memories back. Those things just might be unavoidable on the other hand. Staring at the glazed blue eyes that had a far away look to them, Slade thought a moment, "Dick, how about we give you a hair cut and a shower?"

This got the boy's attention as he tilted his head slightly, "What is?"

"Hair cut and shower?"

The boy nodded.

"Well, we're going to chop of all your hair for starters."

Dick self consciously patted his head.

"It's matted and not even the best hairstylist would be able to selvage it. As for a shower, it's like a bath but instead of the tub being full of water, a foist above your head rinces you."

Dick shyed away, "Hair cut. No Shower?"

"You have to have both Dick. No getting around it. How about you tell my why you don't like baths and I can see if I can take that away?"

The boy started trembling again, "Hurts."

"Hurts? How does it hurt? Was the water too hot?"

"Hurts. Cuts."

Realization dawned on Slade. The Court must have thrown salt in the water to keep any cuts from getting infected. It was a good way to keep the cuts clean but a cruel way to do it.

"I think I know what went wrong. Will you trust me?"

Dick trembled but nodded.

"Ok. If I put you down will you start running again?"

"No, sir."

Slade put him down, "We'll start off with a hair cut. Ok?"

Dick nodded again, hunching his shoulders and crossing his arms. The sweatshirt on him fell down slightly on his shoulder and Slade mentally made a list of all the things Wintergreen and him would need to go out and buy. For now they had Joey and Grant's old clothes that seemed to do just fine.

When Slade got up he held out his hand for the boy to take. Dick grabbed it instantly, pushing himself into the larger man's side. Slade led his new little barnacle to the kitchen where he sat the boy on the table. Wintergreen would have a fit when he walked in but couldn't do anything seeing that he was trying to get the boy more presentable.

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