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"Finally!" I open up my phone...

"... Wait... Isn't this-"

I look closely at the picture and my face reddens.


- - - -

"Hello? Are you even listening?" a voice asked.


"Hm?" I look up and make contact with the dark witch... More specifically, Celestia.

"Gundham, would you like to perhaps go to the mall?"

"..." I stare at the mortal in front of me and nod my head, "I seem to have nothing to do today, so summoning things from stores seems necessary at this time"

"Okay, I will bring Kyoko with us, is that alright?"

"Mhm" I dig through the small fabric that is supposed to have my "money" In there.

"..." Something is bothering me... But I don't have particular signs on what it is...

...The kiss...

"The kiss with Kazuichi...?" I whispered, lifting my cursed hand that is wrapped in the bandage over my mouth.


"Gundham... Are you alright darling? Your face seems to look ill"

"I'm doing alright, I don't need your pity"

"Okay... Kyoko is on her way, I suppose we can wait by the water fountain"


- - - -


"The person who I was talking to was..."

"... Gundham..."

I stare at the picture and felt my heart beat like crazy...


"Little bastard!"

"Huh?" I turn around to see my dad at the doorframe of my room.

"Listen, little shit, come here"

"... Dad... Not r-"

"Listen! I'm your dad! So when I say come here, that means come here!"

He ran up to me and grabbed my wrists... No doubt about it... I'm going to get the ass beaten of my life...

He probably heard about the kiss that happened between me and Gundham...

"Listen, dad the kiss between me and that guy was nothing okay! I promise! I-It was j-"

"Kiss? Between you and... a guy?!"

"I was going to bring you downstairs so you can eat, but I guess you don't need that!" He shouted, throwing me into the ground, "for fucks sake! I can't get anything right!! Instead I get a gay!"

"Dad! I'm not-"

"Don't give me your desperate excuses!"

"...yes sir..."

I stay on the ground and let my dad do what he wanted...

- - - -

"Gundham, are you planning on bringing a friend of yours over?"

"... I suppose it can't do any harm, so I guess I can summon someone to join" I said.

Perhaps I can invite Kazuichi...

... I don't possess his cursed number of hell!

I get off of the bench and walk around, wondering where he might be.

"Watch where your going you bastard!"


That's fuyuhiko, the short mortal, correct?

"Ah! Perfect timing"

"Huh? Why are ya so happy to see me?"

"I was wondering where Kazuichis domain is"

"... Follow me, I'll show you"

- - - -

"... gah..." I get off of the floor and make my way to the room.

"And don't even think about eating this week!" I hear Tatsuo shout.

*ding dong*

"Huh?" I take a peek out if my room and look down stairs.


I see my dad open the door, but... Who's that, who's he talking t-

"Sorry, but Kazuichis busy"

"Was someone going to invite me to hang out with them?"

"WAIT! NO! I'M NOT BUSY!" I shouted, running down stairs.

"What?!" I could see the shocked expression my dad just made.

"Dad... Please?"


"Sir! I will do my best to not be a mistake to you!" I shouted.

"... Ugh, fine I guess, but we will be clear" He grabbed my wrists and held me down, "this dude better not be your boyfriend you hear?!" He shouted in my ear.

"Y-Yeah.. I understand..." I forced his hand off of me and stared at Gundham.


"Just go already!" Tatsuo shoved me out the house.

"Sorry you had to see that..." I whispered.

"It's fine..."

Me and Tanaka made our way to the park.

"Why did you need me?"

"I have invited you to hang out with me and the dark witch"

"... Oh..."

I look down and chuckle a bit, "...Gundham, a question, do you... Have tinder?"

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