Helping a Criminal

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Lucy POV

There I was minding my own business practicing my magic when my dad's private army found me.

I knew for certain that they weren't there to talk and have tea, so I ran. I was able to get pretty far only to literally run into a pink haired idiot. He was now taking me to this castle of his, but I have to get out of here.

"Um, Prince Natsu," Natsu turned to look back at me but kept walking.

"Just Natsu is fine. I really don't care about that formal crap," I couldn't stop but grin. I guess we did have something in common.

"Natsu, exactly why are you taking me to your home?" I motioned my hands at the giant castle. He looked up and them at his feet.

"I figured you didn't have anywhere to go," I looked at him with surprise. I figured the head of The Dragon Slayer Council would be more......... stuck up, but Natsu was actually nice. I couldn't stop myself and started to blush. "Are you sure you're okay?" Natsu was a few inches from my face. My face must have looked like a tomato.

"A-a yeah, I'm fine," I managed to stutter hoping he would back up. My mind was buzzing and I had no idea what I should do.

"That's good cause we are here," I looked behind him at the castle gate. It was about the same size as the one we had at home, but it looked more fierce.

Natsu grabbed my hand and pulled me through the gate. A bunch of palace guards were staring at us. Natsu stopped when we got to the main entrance with a short old man standing in the way.

"You better have a good reason for abandoning your studies, Natsu," The old man glared down at us, and I am pretty sure he was growing with every word.

"Yeah, mainly because it was so boring," Natsu muttered under his breath.

"And now you come back like nothing happened and bring a stranger."

"Ah, put a cork in it Gramps," Natsu put his arms behind his head. 'He sure does seem to relax easily.

I didn't notice that the old mans right in front of me. When I looked down to see him, I jumped almost fifty feet in the air. He must have found it amusing because he had a long grin on.

"Aren't you nice one. I'm Makarov and who are you my dear?" I pulled myself together before saying.

"My name's Lucy," Makarov nodded like he already knew that.

"Makarov! Makarov!" We all turned to a scarlet haired woman running towards us. I recognized her from descriptions that were said throughout the castle.

"What is it Erza?"

"The Heartfilia army was just spotted," Erza was gasping for breath, and Makarov's body became stiff. I became worried. I had only just arrived here and I was already creating trouble.

Juvia POV

I led Gray all the way back to my castle. He kept quiet and mumbled every now and again about Ultear. I understood the difficulty of loosing someone close, but I kept feeling jealous.

"Gray-sama should say something. Juvia thinks it is bad to keep your emotions locked in," Gray turned and glared at me. Even his cold stare made melt.

"I'd like to know why I have to pass the boundry line," He said coldly, and I still gripped onto every word. The Fiore District was divided into three sections by three boundry lines. I had to make Gray-sama cross one to enter my family's share of Fiore.

"Gray-sama is suppose to be dead, right? Juvia thought it would be best if Gray-sama hid at Juvia's home," my face went red at the thought of a hidden criminal all to myself with only the two of us.

"Are you alright?" I just noticed that he was staring at me with a confused face.

"Huh, oh, yes Juvia is all right," I started to see the castle coming up in the distance. "We're almost there."

I took Gray around to the back of the castle where we could see my bedroom window. I allowed my arm to become liquid and form a staircase. Gray had a surprised expression on his face.

"Juvia's body is made of water. Don't worry it is safe," Gray put his foot on the first step and looked at me.

"It doesn't hurt?" I shook my head then motioned him forward. He climbed up the next few steps, and I followed him. We kept climbing the stairwell until we reached the window. Gray crawled in and took a look around my room.

It was pretty basic. The walls were stone and the floor tile. My bed was a deep blue with a white canopy. I had the basis essentials a princess's room needs: a wardrobe, a vanity, my own bathroom, and I kept a music box hidden under my.

I just got through the window when there was a knock at my door. Gray and I looked at each other. We had to keep him being there a secret, and that now seemed impossible.

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