A Day Out

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Juvia POV

"Gray-sama!! Let's go over here," I said pulling on Gray's wrist. He'd been very quiet recently, and I just really wanted to cheer him up. We finally were able to get out in the small town. Sure we all had to be in disguised, but at least we could see everything.

I pulled Gray-sama into store after store. Lucy and Natsu were a little bit behind us also looking around. I finally let go of Gray-sama's letting him walk around on his own. I turned for a small second to look at some jewelry the vendor was selling. I turned back, and Gray-sama was wearing nothing except his underwear.

"Gray-sama!!" I panicked. My cheeks started to heat up at the sight. Normally I wouldn't be panicking as much, but we were suppose to be in hiding.

He soon realized the situation he was in, and quickly grabbed his clothes that were on the ground. I looked back noticing that Natsu and Lucy were gone. I wondered where those two could have gone.

Lucy POV

I followed Natsu through the busy town. I had no idea where he was taking me, but for some reason I still followed him.

Even though I was right behind Natsu, we somehow managed to get separated. I looked around for the pink haired prince but saw nothing. Suddenly I felt someone put there hand on my shoulder. I looked back smiling hoping to see my friend. My smile dropped at the strange man looking at me.

"What's a pretty brunette like you doing all alone," he said twirling his finger around the brown wig I was wearing. I tried walking away from the man, but he grabbed my wrist. "Whoa, where do you think you're going?" he asked smirking.

"Just let me go," I said trying to pull away. The man only smirked more and pulled me closer toward him.

"Now why would I do that?"

"She said, let her go," a familiar voice said. The man turned around at Natsu glaring at him. I was happy to see him

"Or what?" the man asked. Natsu took no time on making his point. One minute the stranger was just stared at Natsu. The next, Natsu had punched him to the ground.

I rubbed my wrist where I was grabbed. It wasn't to bad, but it still stung a little. Natsu looked over at me. "Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded still rubbing my wrist. He looked at it but didn't say anything.

He grabbed my hand and started leading me to our original destination. I blushed slightly at this. We finally arrived in front of a small shop. Natsu led me in, and I was awe struck.

It was a small statue shop, but everything was so well done. I ran my fingers through some of the pieces. I caught Natsu still looking at me worried, but I tried to assure him I was alright. I turned my attention away from the statues when I heard someone coming from the back. A man smiled at the sight of the two of us.

"Natsu! Glad to see you back already," he said looking at Natsu.

"You too, Gildarts."

"So is there anything you need?" Gildarts asked noticing me in the room. Natsu looked back at me.

"Well, Luce, do you see anything you want?" Natsu asked. I looked at the assortment of statues. 

There were plenty of little lawn gnomes near the front, but there was even better stuff farther back. My gaze dropped on one little thing. It was more two dimensional than the other things in the room, but it just seemed better in comparison to the others. It sort of looked like a fairy but it had a little tail on it as well.

I picked up the statue to get a better look at it. I knew instantly I found what I wanted. Natsu went ahead and bought it for me. I watched him smiling. It's like every time I see him I just feel happier.

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