Fire and guards

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Chapter II

Gray POV

I strode down the brick street. Ultear sent my to the market early in the morning when I had no idea why. I sighed and looked at the sun. I never liked the warm weather, but the sun seemed nice and peaceful.

As I stood looking at the sun, I noticed another light. It was different than the sky and sun. It had more of reddish orange color.

I took my eyes off the sun to notice my house in flames. I ran up panicking and thinking what could be inside. My mind raced of the possibilities of losing something.

'Damnit,' I thought, 'what could be in there? I wish Ultear was hear she'd know what to do.' I stood paralyzed. Ultear! Ultear was in there. "Ultear can you hear me!" I screamed as loud as I could.

I started using my magic to put out most of the flames. Tiny pieces of ash started to float into the air. People on the road called for me to stop, but I couldn't. Nothing in the world could have stopped me.

On the ground, I felt something hit my feet. I stopped in my tracks and looked down. Something in a circular shape was black from the soot and ash. I bent over to pick it up and started to brush the black dust away.

Underneath was what looked like a gold band. I kept brushing with the villagers' voices in the distance. My fingers froze when I saw the last piece. It was the diamond engagement ring I got for Ultear. Around the band, a little paper note was strung on.

I wanted to die in the flames and never come out. My heart was dead and nothing could revive it. I sat in the rubble surrounded by flames as their orange and red flames danced the dance of death.

I was so complete in my despair that I didn't notice the hand on my shoulder. It took me awhile, but I soon noticed it. It was warm and full of caring. It was delicate and strong like Ultear's. "Come on! We have to get you out of here!" The owner of the hand yelled. It was a feminine voice so I assumed it was a girl.

The girl gave up trying to pull me up. She apparently couldn't lift my weight, but I didn't have it in me to stand. I figured she'd given up, yet I noticed her hands going through my armpits. She started dragging me through the fire into the open air.

Once we were outside, no one noticed our arrival. They were too focused on the flames.

"What in the world were you thinking!?" I looked over to my rescuer. She was shorter than me with striking blue hair. She had a tattered dress with what looked like blue lining. "Is everyone as stupid as you?! I bet its that dumb Dragon Slayer Council. God, the very mention of their stupidity makes me want to head home."

I look up at her as she rambled on. "You're not from here?" my question seemed to make her jump like she wasn't suppose to say that.

Her face calmed before saying,"No, I was simply passing through. My name's Juvia." Her smile made me feel better, and I had a feeling that Juvia and me were about to face something much worse.

Natsu POV

I yawned as I opened the next book. It was another dumb philosophical book. I hated all the reading I was forced to do. I'd rather be outside fighting someone, but Gramps kept me inside.

'God, I'm so bored of reading,' I thought. I looked over my shoulder to see the window was unlocked. I didn't think twice about jumping outside.

I was already a few blocks away from the castle when the alarm sounded. I couldn't help but grin. Everyone in the castle except Gramps were idiots.

"Did you here about that robber's house?" I stopped dead in my tracks and looked over at two gossiping women.

"Yeah, wasn't it caught on fire?" Fire!?

"I heard the prince himself started it," I couldn't believe my ears. A robber's house was caught on fire, and I was accused of starting it.

"It defiantly gives you a new respect for him. All he use to do was sit around doing nothing," I walked away before I heard any more. Nothing made me feel worse than being accused of doing something I didn't do.

I kept walking forward looking at the different shops and stands in the square. I stopped at this statue shop and went in. The room was pretty dark with the only light being small oil lamps. The shelves and floor were covered with different statues big and small. A small statue caught my eye. It was small enough that it could fit in my palm, and it resembled the red scaled dragon I saw a long time ago. I kept turning it and examining it for any hint of his name.

"You have nice taste," a voice chuckled. I turned around to see an older man, probably in his forties. His hair was a reddish brown and combed straight back. He had stubble and was very muscular. "His name's Igneel, the dragon of fire. Not many people like him I'm afraid. They all rather take garden gnomes and other animals. I personally don't like them myself, but you have to give the customers what they want," The man shrugged his shoulders.

I looked down at the little Igneel statue in my hands. "How much is he?" The man gave a puzzling look then considered his words.

"500 Jewels, but it is free for any member of the royal family," I looked up. How could he know who I was?

"500 Jewels is fine," I gave the man the money and put Igneel in my pocket. I headed for the door when I noticed a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm Gildarts. Please do come back at any time," he took his hand off to let me go. I walked out the front door only to be spotted.

"There he is!" A group of palace guards saw me. I didn't hesitate to take off down the street. I rounded every corner looking for a chance to escape.

I made my may around the next corner. I looked behind me to see the guards almost catching up when something or someone ran into me. "Hey watch where you're going," The person was girl with probably the most beautiful blonde hair I'd ever seen.

She grabbed my wrist and pulled me into an alleyway. "Hey what are-" she put her hand over my mouth. The guards that were chasing me clashed into what looked like.......wait.. is that the Heartfilia army!!

"Just be quiet and follow me," the girl headed the other way through the alley. Her hand was still gripped on my wrist. "Now he decides to look for me, hmph, some father," She mumbled.

We were half way gone when I stopped. "Exactly who are you?" the girl acted like she was expecting this question. She let go of my wrist and looked me in the eye.

"My name's Lucy," that was all she said.

"Do you have a last na-"

"No," I could see her anger growing with that single question. I held my hands in defeat.

"I'm Natsu," Lucy's eyes widened and her mouth opened.

"As in Prince Natsu?" I nodded because I was too afraid to say something. This girl was insane, but she was also sort of, well......cute. I couldn't wait to see what laid ahead of us.

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