The Plan

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Natsu POV

I slouched back in my chair. The council rambled on about allowing the Loxars slipped through their fingers. That made them start complaining about the Heartphilias, and one name came to my mind. Lucy.

Why did Lucy have to be a Heartphilia? She was nothing like what everyone told me. She was smart, brave, and nice. And I couldn't help but think how pretty she looked with her blonde hair.

I slid the little Igneel statue out of my pocket. My fingers twirled it around under the table. It was remarkable how much it looked like the real thing. I gripped it slightly and wished for Lucy to come back.

Gray POV

"Okay, here's the plan," Juvia said as she mapped our escape route. I had to admit it was a pretty good plan. I said that we should have taken this Jellal guy out, but Lucy explained that it was a very bad idea.

Once Juvia was done, the plan began. I looked out the window to see if it was all clear. I used my magic to make an ice-like slide. Carefully, I slid down and landed safely outside. Our distraction was ready.

Jellal POV

I stood guard right outside the castle. The whole arranged marriage had given me the perfect plan. I could simply kill the Heartphilias off at the end of the wedding. And since the Loxars were now going to be a part of this family. I could simply kill them off as well. Two kingdoms for me. Then the Dragon Slayers wouldn't stand a chance.

An evil grin crept across my face, but it fell when some black haired guy came running past me. I gripped the hilt of my sword and chased after the intruder.

"Stop where you are!" I shouted. He ignored me and kept running.

"Ice-make floor!!" he shouted as the ground below me turned into solid ice. My feet slipped instantly as I fell. I felt my head hit the ice as everything went spinning.


Juvia POV

I smiled as Gray-sama went running. I looked back at Lucy. She smiled back at me excitedly. Our plan was working perfectly. I ran to the door and shouted at Lucy, "Come on!"

We ran down the stairs and stopped at the front door. Lucy opened it a crack. Both of us peered through to see if it was safe. Sure enough, it was all clear.

We ran outside only to stop. The gate was locked tight and showed no trace of opening. I looked over at Lucy.

"Now what are we going to do?" I asked. Lucy stood awhile in thought. She eventually snapped her fingers with an idea.

I watched as she grabbed a gold key from a small pouch hidden under her long skirt. We didn't have time to change out of our gowns. "Open gate of the maiden, Virgo!"

A pink haired maid was now standing in front of us. "Yes, Princess?"

"Virgo can you dig a hole under the gate for me and Juvia to get through."

"Of course," the maid suddenly disappeared into the earth. She came back a few minutes later. "Right this way."

We crawled through the tunnels underneath. Once we reached the top, Gray-sama was already waiting for us

"What took you guys so long."

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