Chapter 10 (Edited)

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Chapter 10

It was early morning just before the sun was wanting to rise when Marnie crawled out from under Henry's arms and headed towards the kitchen. They would be leaving in two hours and she wanted to get all the snacks and food prepared before they left. According to Nick, it would normally take a full day of driving to get to his home. That would include stopping for lunch and dinner. Unfortunately, due to Henry's current situation, they could not stop at a regular restaurant so they planned on stopping at rest stops to stretch their legs but otherwise, they would eat whilst they drove. It was going to be horrible for Henry stuck in the car but that's why she had planned for games, movies, colouring and she hoped he would sleep a fair bit.

She watched with amusement as her boy snuck through the kitchen and into the living room where Nick was now sleeping. Before she could catch him or even cry out to warn the unconscious man, he had jumped on Nick's stomach crying "Wake up! sweepy ead!" Causing the sleeping man to double over in alarm knocking Henry off in the process. Spluttering and groaning Nick also fell to the floor just as Marnie reached them. First, she checked that Henry was not hurt after being tossed off onto the floor. He was just dazed, next she checked on Nick, he was winded and holding his stomach "Nick, do I need to call an ambulance or take you to the emergency?" as she was questioning the wounded brother Henry seemed to become aware of his brothers' pain and moved closer reaching out his hand babbling "Nikki, I sowy, Is ouuu hurt"

After doing a self-assessment nick settled, working out he might just be bruised. Marnie allowed herself to breathe again. She then turned to Henry a stern look aimed at the now sulking boy "Henry that was a very naughty thing to do, you're a heavy boy and you could have seriously hurt your brother by jumping on him like that." She watched as his face crumpled, he quickly turned to Nick inching closer and holding out his hands for comfort from being scolded. Nick unsure of how to proceed held him close gingerly patting him on the back through his own discomfort. Signing Marnie stood and held her hand out to the man who was it seemed a breath away from breaking into sobs. It was minuscule but she saw him flinch momentarily as her hand moved out, he then tucked himself into Nick his head lowered in guilt. Crouching down in front of him she softened her voice, "Come now pumpkin, you have said sorry to Nick, straight away, which makes me very proud that you could tell you needed to. Now, we have a long day ahead of us and you need a bath before we leave."

This time she moved more slowly holding her hand out inviting him to come to her. He lifted his head his big blue eyes seemed to search her face to see if she was being truthful. She smiled a soft encouraging smile and that seemed to do the trick. Quietly he moved towards her out of Nick's arms. As he stood, he looked down at Nick and frowned "Ouus being otay broda?" the brother smiled back at him "well buddy I've survived tackles from most of our brothers even 'Hulk smash', I'll be ok" Henry giggled at the comment about Simon who was the biggest of his brothers, then turned back and followed Ma.

After a quick bath, breakfast and final check of the house, Marnie was ready. Judy had arrived with Joshie somewhere in the rush who was currently occupying Henry. The two friends were running around the living room make believing they were Batman and Superman. This was made all the more believable due to the onesie Henry was wearing, a replica of a superman suit and Joshie was wearing Marnie's gift a batman onesie. Hoping that this would wear Henry out she didn't feel like reprimanding them for running in the house.

Finally, they were ready, handing Judy the keys to the house she gave her little sister a hug. It wasn't till this moment that it hit her that she was leaving. This would be the first time in their lives that they would live apart. Tears threatened as she buried her face in her sisters' neck, arms wrapping tight around her as Judy whispered "It will be ok Ma, we'll watch the house and you will go live an amazing adventure. We'll even try to come up and see you both, I'm sure Joshie would love to visit Henry." pulling back she sniffed and then putting on a wobbly smile she said, "Yes, I can imagine that they would have a great time and Henry can introduce Kal to Joshie." The two parted, Marnie, walking over to the pair they were just discussing. She caught the tail end of their conversation "Ouuu havsta come Joshie, Is gonna miss ouu" a large pout formed on the tall man's face.

Then as if he had the best thought his face brightened. Turning the dazzling smile on her he all but commanded "Ma, Joshie hasta come wif us. He cans stay in my room and he cans helps me pway wif Kal" giggling Joshie then turned his now brightened face to his mummy. "Yeth mumma pweese, cans I go wif dem?" groaning knowing that she was going to have to be the mean one Marnie shook her head. "I'm sorry babies, not this time, but Joshie and his mummy will be coming soon to visit ok?" surprised that they didn't dissolve into tear but instead had a hug, the now sombre pair walked with the adults to the car. On reaching the side of the Jeep she opened the back door. It was this action that caused all the adults to turn and stare at Joshie who squealed at the top of his lungs "Ouuus got a spweshal seat Henwy" mouth slack in an ohh Henry just stared unable to get any sound out.

Taking his hand Marnie directed him to the seat now occupying the back of her Jeep. Wondering what the tall man was thinking she just watched as he lovingly caressed the seat before turning back to Marnie and crushing her in his large muscular arms. "Ma, ouuuuu gots me a spweshal seat, fank ouu!" sparkling shimmering blue eyes came into view as he let her go. She smiled as he then turned around and pulled Nick and his mother to see his new seat. Now distracted showing off his special seat she slipped around to the rear of the car and retrieved the final gifts for her two special boys. Nick had managed to get Henry seated and belted into his car seat and Joshie and Judy were waiting by the drive.

She crouched down near her precious nephew and pulled a superman plushie out of her bag "here Joshie, this is from me and Henry so you won't forget your new friend

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She crouched down near her precious nephew and pulled a superman plushie out of her bag "here Joshie, this is from me and Henry so you won't forget your new friend." Taking the plushie he tucked it in tightly to his body "I wons forgets Henwy Auntee and I wons forgts ouuu" he wrapped his little arms around her neck and held on tight. "I'll see you soon sweet boy" Judy they picked up Joshie as he sadly hid his face in her shoulder. Walking back to the car, she checked Henry's seat, checking that nothing was too night. She then pulled a bottle of milk out of the travel bag along with a light blanket to tuck over his lap. "How does it feel pumpkin, are you comfy?" He smiled at her nodding, "Its da bestest spweshal seat Pwinsess Ma" her face was so close in the confines of the car that he surprised her by leaning forward and giving her a sloppy kiss right on the nose.

Resisting the urge to wipe the slobber off she smiled brighter "why thank you, my prince, now we have all sorts of things to make this trip special. To start off with you get to watch a movie while having your milkies. I have a new special friend to help you watch the movie too." Wide-eyed he watched her pull Geralt out of her brown paper bag. Giggling he grabbed the plushie and held it against his chest, before picking up NeNe and turning to the bear he said "NeNe dis is Gewalt, Gewalt dis is NeNe" he then looked back at Marnie and whispered "Tank ouu" The big boy then got lost in babble talking to the two plushies. Laughing to herself she stood back and taking out her phone set up the tv to show the Rugrats.

Handing Henry his milk she then shut the door. The 3 adults stood smiling at her all nodding their approval with Nick asking, "How did you know about Geralt?" she chuckled and began walking around to her side of the Car "You don't think after finding out who was staying in my house that I might have looked up everything I could find on Henry Cavill?" all adults laughed at that before heading to their prospective cars except for Judy and Joshie who stood watching the departure. GPS set and the car heater going she looked back at Henry "Ready to go pumpkin?" already halfway through his milk, he was starting to get sleepy. He just looked at her and nodded then returned to his program. Waving goodbye, she backed out and began the journey.

Looking in her rear vision mirror she smiled, not but 5mins into the journey and her boy was already asleep, the bottle had fallen to his lap, both arms hugging NeNe and Geralt. His head supported against the headrest and his thumb in his mouth. Berating herself for forgetting his pacifier she returned her eyes to the road; she could fix that at their first stop in a few hours. 

A/N Hello beautiful readers, question? do you have fond memories of road trips with the family? any fun idea's to keep Henry happy as well as Marnie? :) As always please vote if you liked this chapter :) Selah

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