Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Marnie was standing in front of a floor-length mirror. After the dress had arrived it was followed by Heather, Charlie's wife and a few of the other Cavill women. Whatever Hen had in store for her it seemed to be big, in fact, the way she looked she was certain they were heading to a fancy ball of some sort. The dress looked like it had been made of spun silver that surprisingly fit in all the right places, even her bust which would have been falling out of a dress like this, seemed to fit perfectly well. All she needed was a pair of Heels and the dress wouldn't be too long. Truly, the image in the mirror once the ladies and girls had done her hair and makeup made her truly look like a princess. All that was missing was a...

Two women entered the room each carrying a box, one was Judy who looked like she was busting to share some news, the other was Marianne who looked at her as a proud mother. Both women gushed at her outfit, Judy first handed her the box she was carrying. "This is from Henry." She opened it and inside was a pair of Swarovski encrusted heels. She put them on adjusting the dress which now was a respectable height off the floor.

Then Marianne stepped forward, "This was mine and my grandmothers before me, it will make this outfit perfect." She opened her box and Marnie gasped. Inside was a beautiful tiara delicate and beautiful. Placing it on her head she turned to peruse once more. "Gosh Ma, you truly look like a princess"

She lifted her skirt just slightly as she moved towards the door, ready to see what all this fuss was about. "Ma wait, please I need to talk to you for just a minute." Marianne hugged her and left the room leaving the two sisters alone. Something was wrong, she wasn't sure what, but this whole day seemed too good to be true. Judy sat on the day bed tucked into the bay window allowing them to see over the tops of the trees and almost to the water. "Ma, before Hen's craziness fills your head. I need to tell you something. Tyrol has asked me to marry him and I have accepted. He is going to move closer to Joshie and me while we work out when. But Ma I can't believe he wants to marry me." Her little sister's chin wobbled and yet her smile remained.

Her heart filled with pride and a little sadness, she had always wanted her sister to find love. Someone who was not going to belittle her but lift her up. To encourage her and walk alongside her. It seemed TJ was going to be that man and she was thrilled. It also answered her question from this morning. She didn't have to worry about looking after her, someone else would. Dabbing at her eyes Ma removed one of her gloved hands and wiped her sister's cheek, "I'm so happy. Not only for you but for Joshie and Tyrol. I believe you are going to make a beautiful family, one that I pleased to give my blessing to. Now let's go see what nonsense this man of mine has cooked up. From this get up, I would not be surprised if a pumpkin for a carriage is waiting out front." The two giggled as Judy helped Marnie out of the room and down the stairs.

Henry stood by the fireplace his fingers drummed surrounding a small box that was sitting on the mantle, nerves tingling all over his body as he waited. He had been working on this plan ever since Marnie had agreed to come to Jersey island to have Christmas with his family. Everything was set except for one thing, her answer. Depending on what she said he would either look like a fool or the prince she kept calling him to be.

He didn't need to turn around to see her arrive at the living room arch. He could see her in the reflection of the clock he had been staring at for the last fifteen minutes. He knew what she would see, he was dressed as Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid, he had commissioned the costume department at the studio to make the formal ballroom attire for him. It fit perfectly, making room for his Witcheresque physique, he had toned down enough that it fit without having the typical button pull at the front.

He could see her moving towards him, desperately wanting to turn around to bask in her beauty, but also wanting to maintain his stance.

"Hen?" Marnie was in awe, the stunning man leaning away from her against the fireplace had to be Henry. From the back, she could tell his hair was slicked back just so, and it looked like he was wearing a prince's outfit. It looked so familiar and yet, not. Looking around she could see the family watching and waiting as if this wasn't already weird enough. "My prince?" maybe that would get his attention.

She heard a quiet rumbling of laughter as he turned to face her, "My princess" His gaze swept over her from head to her toes and back again. Lifting her hand in his he instructed her to twirl.

The absurdity of it all fell away as she began to giggle, facing him again. She smiled and then spoke with some admonishment, "What are you up to, Hen? This is incredible but..."

Her voice faulted as her man began to gracefully take a knee in front of her. His left hand that had been tucked behind his back was now outstretched, holding a small box. He looked up at her as he opened the box. Nestled into the pillowed interior of the box was a small platinum ring, in its centre was a princess cut Pink Diamond with two smaller princess-cut white diamonds on either side. He voice was deeper than usual and she could hear a slight tremor as he spoke, "Marnie, over the last few months you have been many things to me. A Mother, carer, confidant, daughter, friend and passionate lover. I would like to change your title once more. Would you do me the honour of becoming my wife, tonight, here in front of our families?"

Marnie was speechless, never in a million years would she have expected Henry to ask her this, to completely skip an engagement and run headlong into marriage. Now the outfits made sense, even the way Marianne had spoken to her now made sense. Could she really just jump? Looking down into the blue eyes that held firm in their belief she would say yes. The only tell that he was getting worried at her silence was a slight tremor she could see in his chin. She let out the breath she had been holding and reached out her hand to cup his cheek. There was silence in the room, the only thing she could hear was her own heart beating like a skittish racehorse ready to bolt. But as they held each other's gaze she knew there was only one answer. Only one truth resounded confidently in her heart.

Henry was going to lose it. Here he was, on bended knee in front of his family and hers, laying his heart on the line. He was sure she had no idea how much it had taken him to come to this place, so many times before, albeit not this grand or foolhardy, had he given a woman his heart only to have it trodden on or purely handed back with a polite, no thanks. When she had finally released her breath and looked down at him the tremors had started. Would she too decide he was not the man for her? Trying not to break eye contact he saw out of the periphery her gloved hand reach up and cup his cheek. The connection helped him draw the strength he needed to wait, to be patient, to trust in the deep connection they had developed through the weird year that they had been thrust together.

Joshie could not understand what Auntie Ma was doing. Couldn't she see that Uncle Henry was hurting? He could see that his hands were shaking and he was a little unstable on his knee and he hoped he would not fall over. This was a silly game they were playing. Getting frustrated, he yelled from the corner of the room where he had been playing with his new friends, "Come on Auntee Ma, give da man a bwake an answer him."

Laughter rippled around the room at the little boy's outcry. As Marnie's mirth filled, her eyes drew back on Henry's. "I guess I should listen to the boy. Well, my prince, I haven't lost my voice like Princess Ariel. My Prince, my baby boy, my pumpkin, if you had told me 6 months ago I would be looking down at Prince Eric asking me to Marry him, not in a year but tonight, I would have laughed in your face. But here I am and here you are. And my answer is yes."

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