Chapter 11 (Edited)

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Chapter 11

For the first few hours, Henry slept and Marnie just focused on the road. She couldn't help stealing glances of her sleeping beauty, For the most part, he was quiet, small puffs could be heard with the occasional snore breaking into the silence. As the time continued though it became obvious that he was dreaming. Small whimpers and then groans filled the car before he started awake, gentling her voice she watched him in the mirror as she said "Hey Pumpkin, did you have a bad dream?" He looked down at his plushies holding them tight, his chin wobbling as he said softly "mmmmm, yweth" knowing they still had another 20mins to drive before the first stop she tried to think of how she could comfort him without stopping. Seeing NeNe she remembered how the chocolate bare used to help her when she was a little girl, "When Ma had bad dreams as a little girl NeNe used to help when I told him about them. Maybe you can tell NeNe your dream"

He lifted NeNe up and started to whisper into the bear's ear, only incoherent babble could be heard. She wanted desperately to climb back and pull him into her arms but at the moment the lifting of tension in his face told her NeNe was doing his job. Lost now in the land of his stuffies Henry continued to babble to both NeNe and Geralt. Marnie was grateful when she saw the rest stop in the distance, knowing that Nick and Marianne would be there waiting. Pulling up she was also grateful that it seemed they were the only ones there. It was a nice stop with picnic tables, toilets and protection from the biting wind. Marnie helped Henry out of the car and watched with laughter as the tall man ran full speed over to the table where his family sat. The moment afforded her time, she went hunting for his pacifier, then set up what she needed for the next part of the trip. Food was put on the front seat an easy reach that she could hand back to Henry. His colouring book and pencils all placed beside him an easy reach.

Once she was happy she grabbed a Juice box and snack for Henry and walked over to the group. The conversation was happy and light, Marnie opting not to sit as her back was already protesting, once the food was consumed Marnie slipped behind Henry and wrapped her arms around him whispering into his ear "How's my big boy going?? Are you feeling better after talking to NeNe" He leaned his head back into her arms and said " ah ha, ouu wite, NeNe is good for talking to" Her hands currently resting on his chest lightly rubbed down his side in a comforting gesture, lips closest to his ear she whispered "do you need to change your dipee?" he involuntary shivered at her breath on his ear but a giggling sound was the response "nuuuu, Is ok Ma" she stood at that and ruffled his hair "Ohh that's my clever boy" turning to Nick who had just returned from the restrooms she smiled and said "I've got to make a pit stop, can you watch Henry?" a glint filled his eye as he said "yup"

Washing her hands and splashing some warm water on her face Marnie heard a deep yell coming from outside. Worried that someone had arrived or Henry was in trouble she ran out only to stop mid-stride as she watched Nick chasing Henry around the table. His loud voice crying out "Nuuuuuu, ouuu cans have Gewalt, Hes my Plushie boder" in response Nick proceeded to chase him more, finally catching and tackling the Tall man toddler to the ground. Slight worry settled in her gut until Marianne placed a hand on her back and chuckled "they have been doing that since they were very little. Even as Adults they couldn't help rugby tackling each other" turning to Marianne she smiled as she heard giggling and laughter floating up behind her. "I am glad that he has good brothers who love him. My sister and I only had each other, and it was really more of a parenting role." The two mothers just smiled at each other, an understanding passing between them.

An exhausted but giggly Henry was re strapped into the car. This time she placed the travel table attachment to the seat. Picking up the book and pens beside his seat Henry started to colour. The car was quiet for some time until she heard whining "what's the matter Pumpkin?" a moment of quiet was quickly replaced as he groaned and began to cry, and with a wobbly voice said, "my tummy urts Ma, its burnie in my oat" remembering a similar incident with Joshie she quickly pulled over to the shoulder of the road. Jumping out she ran to his side and managed to pull him out of the car just before he unloaded the contents of his stomach. Poor Henry sat on his knees bent at the waist as he lost his breakfast and morning tea whilst Marnie was gently rubbing his back. "Ohh my boy, I think you might get carsick, hey Pumpkin? Did you start to feel icky in the tummy after you started colouring?" He nodded now hiccupping.

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