Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Walking into the brightly coloured store, the blur of red curly hair now sporting purple ends barrelled into her squeezing her tight. Just as she went to talk a man walked in behind heading with purpose to the desk. Holding up her hand she said "I'll be there in a moment sir" turning back to her she whispered "Go see if you can find something on that wall that looks like Henry" she pointed to a wall of dildo's giving her a wink that made her blush bright red.

Walking over to the wall she tried to remember what he looked like that one time she had seen him with an erection. Every other time she had seen him, to clean him, she had to be gentle but quick as to not make him uncomfortable. Looking closer at each one she was so caught up in her embarrassment that she was surprised when Heidi appeared at her side and picked one up "If I remember he was close to this size right?" being handed the item she blushed again. In a softer voice, Heidi said, "Why don't we go sit on the couches I can hear the front door but it will give us some privacy." Nodding she moved quickly to the back room.

Sitting down, the heavy item in her hand, her face beetroot red, she sighed before finally looking at Heidi. The compassion she saw in her friends face gave her courage to speak, "I don't know what to do Heidi, I want to be physical with him but he's had experience and I am the 40-year-old virgin. We started a heavy make-out session tonight and when he started to try reaching into my pants I freaked out. He was so kind and honoured my request but I still felt bad that he had to go have a cold shower. I know I need to become more comfortable with him in that manner before I can go further but how do I do that?"

Heidi looked at her a concentrated furrow on her brow, "Well if he is up for it there are some fun things you can do to pleasure him without you having to fully go the whole hog. In fact .." she stood grabbing a basket. Marnie watched with slight amusement as her friend flitted around the room grabbing items from shelves, hooks and tables. Coming back to sit next to her Marnie smiled "Now lets work on what you can do.." a cheeky smile spread over her friends face as the began the 'Lesson'.

It was almost dawn when Marnie crept back into the house, slipping off her shoes she tucked her little bag beside her bed and crawled back under the blanket. Surprised that Henry was still asleep she shuffled back towards him, his arm automatically pulling her into his chest. Closing her eyes she fell asleep with a contented smile on her face.

Sure she had only just fallen asleep she felt a small body bouncing on the end of the bed. A deep gravelly voice stilled his movement "Joshie, aunty Ma didn't have a good night sleep. Let's leave her to sleep buddy ok..." grateful for his sensitivity she felt the bed shift as he moved Joshie out of the room. Snuggling deeper into the covers she let her mind give into the blackness.

Henry knew that Marnie had left the house in the middle of the night, he wanted to trust her, to ask her why, but he also worried he would come off sounding over-possessive. Instead, he planned on letting her sleep. Judy was in the kitchen frying up some bacon and eggs the smell making his stomach grumble. At the sound of them entering the kitchen she turned and smiled, her face held a relaxed happy tone that he was sure Dr Nolan had something to do with. "Is Ma still asleep?" she asked as she began dishing up the plates. Grateful for the meal he smiled as he replied "Yeah, she went out early this morning and didn't return till dawn. I'm sorry but I don't think we will be joining you on your fishing trip today."

Judy chuckled as she sat down with her own plate of food. "that sounds like Ma, her friends work odd hours so if she wanted to go spend some girl time with them its early morning. Don't worry about today, I'm sure that Joshie and I can look after TJ in fact how about we just stay away today. I can cook TJ a meal at home and we can stay there. Give you guys some space?" she said the last line with a smirk, but after last night would Marnie want space? He chewed his lower lip in worry before deciding to breathe and just see what happened.

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