Chapter 6 (Edited)

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Chapter 6

This changed all of Marnie's plans for the day. She had been planning on taking the boys to the park hoping to get rid of some of their energy. However, if Henry was as well-known as the internet said she could not risk him being seen in his current state of mind. Her protective instincts kicked into gear. They would just have to make do, unfortunately, she didn't have a yard they could play in so inside it would be. Looking at the boys who seemed to be quite happy playing with their food and babbling together she moved just out of sight to the laundry.

There she retrieved a tarp, moving back into sight Joshie looked up and caught on to what his Auntie was up to. Jumping with glee he ran to her shouting "Yaaa Auntee Pains?" laughing at his reaction and also catching henrys confused one she said "Yes Joshie, we are going to Paint. Now can you go wash your hands and get your smock. Can you also go into my room and get my old grey dressing gown from my cupboard?" eyes bright at the responsibility he had been given Joshie nodded and ran out of the room.

Putting the tarp down she walked over to Henry, grabbing the wet wipes she sat down next to him. Reaching for his hands she wiped them and his face whilst saying "Joshie and I love to paint, do you like to paint sweet boy?" struggling away from her as she tried to get the jam off his face he answered in a huffy voice "nuuu face wipes Miss Ma" putting on a stern voice she corrected him just as she would Joshie, "Henry stop moving, if you want to play you have to be clean" stopping quickly he lowered his gaze. Making quick work of the jam smeared all over his mouth she took a deep breath "Now, that's better. I don't do that to make you uncomfortable pumpkin. But the sticky will get all over the couch and other things if I don't wipe it off ok?" slight frustration welled inside of her at the anomaly of children not wanting to get clean, she moved on quickly hoping to lift his mood and hers. "Now, would you like to paint with Me and Joshie?" his eyes lifted to hers brightening just a little as he whispered solemnly "Otay"

This was one of her favourite activities with her nephew, creating pictures to hang on her walls. Once the tarp was down to protect her carpet she laid out the paper and paints. Sitting the two boys down, both cross-legged Henry now sporting a back to front dressing gown as a smock, both leaning forward ready to dive in. She spoke quickly bringing them to a holt "Now Joshie you know the rules but for Henry's sake I will repeat them. Paint goes on your hands, not on your clothes and only put your hands on the paper ok, not on each other and not on the furniture. Ok?" she looked at them both waiting for verbal confirmation they had heard her. Wide-eyed they both said in unison "Otay" For the next hour they made colourful picture after picture. Giggling and laughter filled the room including her own. Tucking the memory in her heart she picked up the paintings and went to hang them to dry on the clothesline.

As she walked back into the living room she froze at the sight before her, both boys back's were to her as they placed handprint after handprint of coloured paint on her pristine white wall. Henry went to place another one down as she found her voice "Henry!" she said sternly his hand froze mid-air as he turned back big-eyed knowing he was in trouble. Chin trembling she looked at both the boys their faces full of guilt and if she was not mistaken there was fear in Henry's eyes. She stilled her breathing taking time before making a decision on how she was going to act. Finally choosing to keep the joy of the morning she moved forward speaking in an even calm voice "My sweet boys what! are you doing?"

Henry seemed unable to speak as his lower lip trembled and his hands shook, Joshie, however, spoke with clarity and trust that she would not be really angry "we wonted to ake oouur woom happy auntee, and Henwy ought some courful hand prins ould be perwect on wite wall." Joshie smiled a big smile at Marnie, she knew that this was his way of trying to get out of trouble. Pulling in a deep breath knowing what she was about to do went against every part of her precise clean personality. Knelt down and placed her hand in the bring green paint finding a space between Joshie's and Henry's handprints she placed her own. "There, now we all have a print on the wall." She smiled gently at Henry who seemed to visibly sag at her action. Worried at his fear reaction she said gently "Ok boys, time to clean up. Let's go to my bathroom mmmmm but don't touch any more walls please".

Both boys followed as they walked into her ensuite, Joshie stood on his stool and Henry beside him as they ran their hands under the sink. There was still at least an hour before lunch, deciding one more diversion was needed she pulled the bath toys out "Ok, I think you too need a bath, Joshie can you go get your bathing shorts on? And then come back." The little boy nodded and ran off to his room. Looking at Henry's waist she debated then said "Can you pick out two toys to play with, and when Joshie comes back he can pick two as well" the smile returned to his face but not quite to his eyes as he looked at the toys. After starting the bath she left the room. Walking deep into her walk-in wardrobe she pulled out a box, dusting it off she lifted out the top item. These were some of her favourite memories of her father, items she could not part with. The bright green swim shorts that he had always worn when they went to the beach sat at the top, happy memories of them dancing in and out of the waves swam through her mind for just a moment, before you came back to reality and the large man in her bathroom. Checking the size and hoping they would fit.

She found both the boys in deep discussion about what toys they would choose. "Have you chosen boys?" she asked looking at the pile they had. Henry spoke this time the innocent cheerfulness back in his voice as he said, "We wans both, ucky, umbers an dinos" his soft smile reaching his eyes as he picked them up. Joshie nodded at him as he echoed "Yup das it" laughing Marnie picked Joshie up and put him in the bath, "Ok Henry, pop the toys in the bath then follow me please" she watched the tall boy carefully place the toys in front of Joshie and follow her into her room. There she helped him change out of his still dry pull-ups and into the swimming trunks. He had wriggled in anticipation of playing and once she had him tied in he ran back and got in the bath.

She laughed at his antics as she made herself comfortable sitting on the floor with her iPad as she supervised the play.

After some time she finished the chapter she was working on and put her iPad away. She decided whilst they were in the bath she should wash their hair getting them ready for Joshie going home and Henry seeing his brother. Gathering her supplies she walked over and sat on the side of the tub. "Ok, who wants to go first in getting their hair washed?" Joshie bounced crying "mememe" but Henry seemed to shy away from both the noise and from the suggestion. She had wet his hair the first night but had yet to wash it. "Henry are you ok?" he looked up at her once again lower lip trembling "nuuuu ampoo Miss Ma, it ake eyes owie" before she was able to say anything Joshie pipped up "Auntee manee is bestest hair waserer, see no gets ampoo in eyes Henwy, she weely bestest" Pride filled her chest at her nephew's words. "how about Joshie I do your hair first and then Henry can decide after that ok?" both boys nodded.

She scrubbed and gently rinsed out his hair taking care not to get anything in his eyes. Once finished Henry looked at her and whispered "Otay miss ma, oouu ampoo" nothing more was said but she felt how ridged he sat expecting her to hurt him. All his reactions today pointed to his experiences being cared for as negative. Wanting to wash those away she carefully massaged his scalp with the fun strawberry shampoo, she could feel him start to relax, ready to rinse she instructed "Ok pumpkin, tilt your head back for me just like Joshie did, that's it, now close your eyes" squeezing his eyes tightly she gently poured the water using a cup over his hair making sure to remove all the suds. Once she was finished she smiled at him "You can open your eyes now," As he did his expression took on a shocked look, "So how was it, sweetheart, did you have any owies?" he shook his head and said with an awed expression "ouuu weely is da bestest"

After a full morning of play and full tummy's from lunch, Marnie settled the two boys down for an afternoon nap. Allowing herself a moment of peace after cleaning up she looked at the wall opposite the couch. Several handprints scattered the wall, it was washable but a small part of her was considering keeping it. Standing up she went and retrieved a small brush and some soft deep blue paint and wrote above the three central prints – Joshie, Marnie and Henry. Sitting back down she smiled, realising that this marked a real change in her controlled life.

She was still sitting there when she felt Joshie climb next to her and cuddle, "Hey buddy, are you finished sleeping?" fingers in his mouth and his blanket clutching in his hand he nodded and snuggled into her side. Not but a few moments later Henry joined them on the couch snuggling into her other side. Popping on some cartoons they stayed there till the front door opened and her sister popped her head around the corner. She smiled softly at the trio both boys sucking their fingers eyes fixed on the tv and Marnie asleep between them.              

A/N Suprise :)  another chapter. Hope you are having a good beginning to the new year.  Please vote and comment, I love seeing your reactions  - Selah

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