Chapter Part 32

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A/N Surprise 

Chapter 32

Later that night Henry was curled around an exhausted Marnie, he had helped her out of the bath and together they had shared a quiet meal. Both lost in the aftereffect of their evening together. It wasn't awkward or unpleasant, instead, a contented peace, as they ate and then returned to bed. Both sated and satisfied Henry decided it was a good time to debrief. "Ma, how are you feeling now? Do you still think there is something wrong with you?"

He waited to let her think through her response. She shifted to look at him a soft smile gracing her face, pulling his hand to her lips she kissed the tips tenderly. "I really thought that if I didn't feel the sensation from my breasts that maybe I might never. But wow, was I wrong. I have never felt anything like that before. Will sex feel like that too?"

Henry smiled at her curiosity, she had made it clear that she did not want to go all the way yet and he was absolutely fine with that, but it didn't stop her from asking questions. His deep voice steadied trying to hold in the chuckle, "For some people, they experience a similar but different explosion of sensation from intercourse, but for most they still need the clit stimulation to have an orgasm. When you feel it's the right time we can explore and see what your body needs. Ok?" Removing his hand from her grasp, he cupped her face and leaned in placing a gentle kiss on her lips.

For a split moment, her eyes filled with worry. "Did it feel ok for you?" She then blushed, "I didn't know what I was doing I just went with what felt good. I didn't even ask if I could, I'm sorry."

Pulling her into his arms she snuggled her head into his neck, gentle vibrations were felt as he spoke, "As I said princess my body is at your service, but I appreciate that you want me to have a say. If I hadn't liked what you were doing I would have stopped you. As it was I really liked what you did and the extra attention after so we both could cum. Thank you, sweetheart." Nestled together the room was quiet apart from their gentle breathing.

After a spell Henry's voice broke the silence, "Marnie, Christmas is only a few weeks away and I was wondering if you would be willing to come with me to my parent's house for our family celebrations. All the brothers and their families come and I would like to introduce you."

Snuggling deeper into him he heard her sigh before her soft voice hesitantly answered, "I've met Nick and Marianne, and I am sure they would make me feel comfortable so I don't have any worries about meeting your family, Hen. But I have never spent a Christmas apart from Judy and Joshie. They are my family."

Without hesitation, he responded with a smile, "well we will ask them as well, Mum has never worried about having too many guests as long as she has forewarning. So, let's just ask them tomorrow. If they say yes then we can all go." A tone of conspiracy entered his voice as he tacked on, "I'll even invite TJ. That should sweeten the deal." That bought real laughter bubbling out of them both.

"Hen, do you think he will be good for her? You seem to have spent some quality time with the guy. I don't want to see her get hurt again. He has been caring towards her and I love that his instinct was to go to her when she was crying. But I don't want to see her get hurt."

The tenderness and fear in her voice caused his heart to ache. He could feel the protective mother in her wanting to wrap her sister up in cotton wool, but he knew that she needed to let her go and risk hurt for the possibility of love. "Why don't we just watch what happens. If she is going to find the love she needs to risk hurt. Maybe that's why I turned up on your door that day. I was hurt but knew if I didn't come to find you I would only remain hurt and would never know what truly happened. I'm glad I did."

The two snuggled deeper into the covers both content and ready for sleep.

Back at Judy's home, another conversation was playing out, Joshie had long gone to bed and Judy and TJ had spent the evening watching a romcom. The credits were rolling on "Isn't It Romantic." Both had laughed so much throughout the story that their sides hurt. Judy's head now lay in TJ's lap, she looked up at him as he gently played with her hair. "Did you have a good day today Tyrol?" she asked hesitantly but wanting to continue in their frank way of talking.

He smiled at her a genuine open smile. His buttery voice warm and deep spoke of his enjoyment, "Judy, I have to say I love your son. His genuine heart is in everything he does and I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up being in the allied health industry when he grows up. But, I also enjoyed having fun especially dancing in the rain. I haven't done that since I was a little boy and it was so intoxicating, the freedom to just feel."

Judy wanted to laugh and wanted to jump for joy, but it was mixed with fear as well. He was leaving soon, and how would that work? It was the same fear she had for Marnie. What happened when Henry went home? How would they both make long-distance relationships work?

TJ watched different flitting emotions compete in Judy's face, using his thumb he massaged her forehead trying to remove the frown, "You know worries shared can often help resolve the problem."

She stayed quiet for a moment before opening up, "Tyrol, I have been hurt badly before, but that is not stopping my heart from wanting to jump headfirst and say already I feel I have strong feelings for you. Some might even say love but I know it's too soon for such a strong statement. But I have some real concerns. We live so far apart, and just like I worry about Ma and Henry, I can see it would be the same for us. One of us would have to pack up stakes and move to where the other lived and I vowed to myself when I was a little girl I'd never do it, after watching a friend's mother do that. It didn't end well."

Her heartfelt words struck a chord with him, he too was feeling that strong pull. Here he was content, happy, lighter than he had felt ever since that dreadful day. But he could never ask her to break that vow to herself. For a moment, he wondered if he could consider moving here to this sleepy town. Instead, he decided to focus on Henry and Marnie. "Do you think Marnie would follow Henry? I mean his life is constant travel, too many different places around the world. It won't just be asking her to move to London, it will mean connecting to his train where ever he is." Judy had not really thought of that. He continued, "As for what your feeling, I am feeling that too. I know it's too soon to declare undying love but I know that I feel peaceful around you, that in the short time we have been together you seem to understand me. I want to say already would you be willing to be my girlfriend?"

Her heart caught, had he really just said what she thought he said? Looking close at his deep chocolate eyes she could detect no hint of a tease, or deception, instead, there was open honesty. She moved out of his lap and sat facing him, "Tyrol, my head says no but my heart says yes and in this battle, my heart wins." At that, she leaned in and captured his lips. His arms reached out and pulled her closer as their kiss depend. As if a stopper had been released the chemistry between them unleashed. He pulled her onto his lap, her fingers reached up to pull at his hair as his hands reached up under her jumper craving the skin that lay beneath. She could feel him growing beneath her as she felt the need to remove her jumper.

Just as she scrambled to lift her shirt a small voice asked, "Why are you trying to eat my mummy?"    

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