Chapter Part 33

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Chapter 33

The weary travellers stood in the cold. Its efforts to steal their breath away was hindered only by the warm scarves covering their necks and mouths. A sleek black SUV pulled alongside the group. As the window descended a cheeky grinned Nick stuck his head out. "Welcome to the frozen tundra. Now hurry up and get in." Henry and TJ quickly grabbed the bags while Judy, Joshie and Marnie piled in the large vehicle. Once they were warmed up inside, happy chatter and conversation filled the air. Marnie, who was sitting next to a window watched as the houses and laneways flowed by on her side. She knew there was also a beach somewhere, but in the darkness, she knew it would be hard to see.

A lot had happened in the last few weeks, many more meals were shared between the couples and she was happy to see the blossoming relationship between TJ and Judy cementing into something that had substance. On the plane, the boys had sat in the three seats with Joshie between them leaving the girls to sit together. Her sister was so happy, apart from the constant chaperon interrupting any intimacy. Judy had wined, "It's like he has an inbuilt radar, anytime day or night we are doing anything except cuddling he turns up on cue wanting to know why we are eating each other. It's the most embarrassing and frustrating thing. Nothing we say seems to help him understand."

She had chuckled at her poor sister's frustration, "well at least TJ is not a little or you aren't. Eventually, he will grow up but until then, maybe try and steal some time away while we are here. I am sure there are plenty of babysitters who would love to have Joshie." This had cheered up Judy and staring back at the couple she could see they were talking in earnest.

On arrival at the beautiful house, Marnie was hugged enthusiastically by Marianne. "Ohh honey, I am so glad to hear you two are now a couple. Henry has been calling me regularly and keeping me updated. I always knew you would be good for him." Not used to the enthusiasm coming for the normally put together matriarch, she lost her speech unable to utter a word, but she smiled.

They were then ushered into a large room. Kids seemed to converge on "Uncle Henry" from every corner of the room. Laughing he caught several up in his arms whilst others clung to his legs as he just kept walking to the middle of the room in front of the large Christmas tree. His deep voice drowned out the cacophony bringing a halt to the noise. "Right, I know, I know, we are late and you have been waiting patiently to open presents right?" His eyebrows rose as a rounding chorus of "Right" filled the air. He winked at Marnie before saying with a sad forlorn face, "So that welcome was not because you missed me but instead because you want to open your presents?"

If Marnie had not caught the wink she would have thought he was truly hurt, pulling on his acting skills in such a way that one of the youngest even started to cry. Again, a chorus arose this time filled with, "No, No we missed you Uncle Henry" and "that's not true Uncle Henry" and "please don't cry Uncle Henry we love you too."

Reaching his hand out to Marnie she walked over as he fell to his knees. Recognising a coo, she played the part pulling him to hug her waist, she said, "What is this all about now? Are you lot being mean to Uncle Henry?"

Her motherly tone brooked no nonsense from the group. One of the older children stepped forward as spoke's man saying, "We love Uncle Henry, no one here would ever be mean. I think he misunderstood us." Looking chagrined he peered at Henry who was peeking from his place tucked against her waist, "Sorry Uncle Henry." At that word, he walked forward as the leader all the other kids also followed surrounding the couple hugging them on all sides.

What should have been a fun prank turned serious very fast and Marnie was now unsure if Henry was playing or if he slipped momentarily. That was until she heard the giggles starting to rise around her one by one, he had pulled them all into his grasp and was tickling them. Releasing her and sitting back on his feet he smiled at the group. "I love you guys so much and missed you all. I want to introduce you to a special friend of mine. This lady is my girlfriend, and her name is Marnie."

The kids all turned and smiled at her now knowing they had been forgiven, a chorus of "hello" and "nice to meet you" filled her ears. Laughing she smiled, "well I'm glad to meet you too, all Uncle Henry talks about is his wonderful Nieces and Nephews. Can I ask you a huge favour?" Big eyes nodded in awe and curiosity, she smiled at the cuteness level that was surrounding her. "My nephew is 5 and he has come with me and his mummy to visit Uncle Henry's family. Do you think you can look after him and show him how much fun it is to have Christmas here?"

Big smiles looked at her as she turned to Joshie, beckoning Judy to bring him close he hung back seeming to be shy in this much larger group. Again the eldest walked forward. "Hi Joshie, we are going to open presents first then we are going to back cookies would you like to help us?" At the word cookies, his eyes lit up and went willingly with the group.

A younger man walked to the tree and said with a jovial voice, "Right now that Uncle Henry has had his fun." He winked at Henry, "we can start handing out the presents." He started calling out names and passing the gifts around to the recipients. Judy quickly walked up with their bag to go under the tree but was surprised to hear Joshie's name being called out. The young boy looked up in amazement as he was handed a long gift the tag said, "From the Cavill Clan."

Inside was a miniature fishing set, the squeal he let loose was deafening as he ran to TJ. "Look TJ Look," the friend oooed and ahhhed over the gift before Joshie turned back and said, "Thank you."

The honest chaos of the next 30 minutes was overwhelming for Marnie. She had been prepped for a large group gathering, but after all the introductions and all the activities, she could hardly contain any more. The contrast between now and the small Christmas she had held with her friend before they left was extreme. Heidi had come for a dinner with her and Henry, Judy and Joshie. They were meeting TJ at the airport. The look on Heidi's face when Henry gave her his gift had been priceless "Henry?" the box had held a key. Her face had paled as they took her outside to the Lexus convertible a car that Marnie had always teased her about. It was her dream car. She had turned back to Henry holding to box out towards him as if it had grown too hot to handle "I ccan't, this is ttoo much"

He instead pulled not just the box but Heidi into his arms and hugged her tightly whispering for only her to hear, "If it had not been for you, Marnie would not have known what to do when I first arrived on her footstep. All along you have guided her, supported her and given her the courage to let a man into her life and I for one am incredibly grateful. Please accept my thanks with this gift." That was it Heidi's face had filled with tears as she accepted the box back. Marnie had hugged her friend and then they all went hand gushed over the car. She had laughed tonight when under similar circumstances Henry had taken Nick aside and handed him an envelope. Inside was an open-ended voucher for an eight week holiday to the destination of their choice all expenses paid. His brother had not had the same reaction as Heidi but a recognition that the gift was far more than just Christmas was evident on his face. The two had hugged for a long time before kids had come pulling them apart.

The children were all watching a Christmas movie ELF and the adults were either cleaning up or resting in the living room. Marnie had been kicked out of the kitchen by both Marianne and Judy when they both realised how tired she looked and she had wandered out to the living room. Seeing his lap free she had without thought walked over ignoring that he was in conversation with his brother and snuggled into Henry's lap.

Henry watched in amusement and maybe slight concern as his princess fell asleep in his arms. The intenseness of the day claiming her as her body went limp. Charlie had been filling him in on all the family shenanigans until her interruption. He had stopped and watched with amusement and joy seeing the tenderness his brother had for his new girlfriend. "She is something Henry," he commented smiling at his older brother. His echoing smile not only lit his face but his eyes as well. "She is very special Charlie, and I was wondering if you could help me with an important project for tomorrow. I want to show her exactly how special she is to me." He winked and then filled his brother in on his plans. Lifting the sleeping woman in his arms, holding her against his neck. He carried her towards the designated room with every intention of having a good night sleep.

A/N Hello :) its been a great relaxing week so more chapters heading your way. Have a great Easter Selah 

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