Chapter 17 (Edited)

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Chapter 17

Marnie stepped into the trailer behind Henry he seemed to visibly relax as an older woman greeted him. However just as she thought he was feeling better the other women turned and also greeted him causing him to stiffen and grab backwards for her hand pulling her close behind him. This was strange behaviour even for him and she wondered about the dark-haired woman. He turned to her eyes wide "I'm here Henry, It's ok no one is going to hurt you" she whispered into his ear. Giving him a quick hug before he squared his shoulders and turned around pulling a second chair next to his he stated quite strongly "Marnie sits here" both women looked at each other before nodding the younger woman seemed to smirk at his insistence putting Marnie fully on alert.

2 hours later she now sat in front of Geralt, it was amazing what they could do with prosthetics, makeup and a wig. She smiled at Henry who had relaxed some, however he had not let go of her hand. Finished he hugged his hairdresser Jacqui, turned, ignoring the makeup artist and walked stiffly out of the trailer pulling her along. If Marnie was a betting person she would hazard a guess that there was some bad history between the two of them. With this in mind she was going to have a conversation with Lauren once Henry was out of earshot.

The rest of the day progressed well; each episode that was missing Henry's scenes were tackled completing three by the end of the day. She was proud of Henry's ability to recall all the work he had put into this project prior to his disappearance. However, she noticed as the day wore on he was getting tired meaning he messed up more, right up until the last scene when she noticed his language slipping, not enough for the others to notice but she was used to hearing his little speech enough to know he needed to stop for the day. She wondered over to Lauren who was taking a sip of her coffee whilst the crew was on a break. She smiled at the woman and reached out to grab a chocolate croissant from the table. Taking a breath and hoping that she would listen to her she said quietly, "Lauren, I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds but I have two things to bring up to you. Are you ok for me to talk to you about it now"

Lauren pointed to two chairs away from the body of cast members taking their breaks. Sitting she smiled and said to Marnie, "Talk away, you have no worries about overstepping your boundary as right now I defer to you with Henry's care and I am guessing it is about Henry?" Thankful for the woman's words of confidence she nodded, "yes it is, the most pressing is that I think he is spent. In the last scene I could hear him fighting not to slip in his speech and considering he has been in his right age since yesterday when you left I am worried if we push him too far he will slip again." Her brows furrowed for but a moment then lifted as she nodded to Marnie "we said we would work around his needs, and if I know Henry he will not stop unless I tell him we are taking a break for the day. I will address it once we finish our conversation. What was the second issue?"

Marnie took a moment to formulate her words as she didn't want to seem overprotective. She stroked her pendant a dove mounted in the centre of a crown of thorns, a gift from her grandmother it gave her the courage to continue. "Lauren, I noticed this morning whilst Henry was getting his hair and makeup done that there seems to be bad blood between his makeup artist and him. He visibly was agitated when he saw her and her behaviour towards him was passive-aggressive. I don't know if she is the girl who set this whole thing into being or if its another bad relationship but I would like to request a change." Lauren looked thoughtful, looking out across the room whatever she saw made her frown. "Marnie, I trust your instinct. And will take that under advisement but I need you to go to Henry and take him home, it looks like he's not doing so well"

Marnie stood quickly and looked to where Lauren was pointing, there was Henry slumped against a wall-shaking with Joey and Freya sitting beside him Anya heading toward Marnie. Hurrying their way she increased her speed bypassing Anya who waved her on as she headed to report to Lauren. Reaching Henry she bent down so she was at eye level, taking his hands she spoke quietly "Pumpkin, look at me" Hesitantly he looked up, the look In his eyes was one of panic and fear. "Sweetheart I want you to close your eyes and just listen to my voice, now breath with me ok, Breathe in, Breathe out, Breathe in, breathe out. That's it, sweetheart." Whilst he sat calming down Marnie turned to Freya, "can you tell me what happened?" the poor girl also looked upset "I saw a girl standing over Henry she was whisper yelling at him. When she saw me she ran off"

Fury overtook Marnie, she must have waited until Marnie was occupied with Lauren to make her move. Knowing she needed to get Henry home so he could feel safe again she looked to Joey for help, "Ok Pumpkin, time to go home, Joey can you help us" together between Freya, Joey and Marnie they were able to get Henry up and back to the car. They helped him into the front seat, closing the door she turned to the two actors, "thank you both for caring for him, please can you let Lauren know what the woman looked like, I believe it's the makeup artist who was giving him a hard time this morning." They both agreed and stayed by the jeep until Marnie was pulling out.

It was a silent ride, arriving home he walked silently into the house and stood in the middle of the living room, Kal dancing at his feet was completely ignored. Marnie followed silently watching, waiting, it wasn't long before he turned, falling to his knees as he whispered "Ma" the emotion and loss in that one word propelled her forward wrapping his large frame into her arms, pressing his face to her chest. She felt his arms wrap around her waist as he began to sob uncontrollably. She hated how this woman had broken her boy. She sat down on the floor against the couch pulling him with her and cradled him partially in her lap. Kal came up and laid next to his master his head resting on his thighs. It didn't take long for him to cry himself to sleep as she ran her hand through his hair and down his body.

She pulled her phone gently out of her pocket trying not to jostle Henry. Hitting Dr Nolan's number she waited, after the 4th ring his smooth warm voice filled the line "Hello, Dr Nolan's office" speaking quietly she filled him in on what had happened "so any chance you do house calls?" the line was quiet for a moment before he answered "Normally no, but in this case, I will make an exception, you say he is asleep now?" looking down at the slacken features she answered the Doctor "Yes, I'm sure after the breakdown he just had he will be asleep for a few hours" Dr Nolan responded, "that's good it will give me time, I will pop over after I close the office, the only requirement is you supply dinner does that sound fair." Sighing in relief she nodded then said "Thank you Dr we can accommodate that, I really appreciate it"

Hanging up from the Dr she rested, after reading on her phone for a few hours she felt Henry start to move. She looked down at his deep blue eyes looking up at her, she ran her hands through his hair as she gently said "How are you feel Henry?" hoping he was still 37 but wondering if this afternoon had set him back she wasn't surprised when he frowned and then whimpered "my tummy huwts Ma an so do my head." Sighing slightly she continued to run her hand through his hair as she said "Ohh Pumpkin, I'm sorry you feel icky, do you need to go potty?" he slowly nodded trying not to hurt his head. Helping him sit up she stood then helped him stand. After going to the toilet she set him up on the couch laying down with NeNe and Geralt tucked under his arms. Paci in his mouth and covered with a blanket and Kal snuggled in between his legs. Not long after settling him, she bought out some water in a bottle. Turning on some cartoons she moved to start preparing dinner keeping an eye on him at all times.

An hour later, Marnie heard a knock on the door quietly she moved to let the doctor in "well something smells good Marnie, I think I made a good deal." Smiling she chuckled at the doctor and walked him to where Henry was now finishing his water eyes fixated on the SpongeBob Square pants episode playing. The doctor smiled at Marnie nodded and walked into the living room. He made himself comfortable in a seat near Henry. "Hey buddy, what are you watching?" Henry looked at the doctor eyes recognising his friend, he smiled and said around his bottle "ungebob sawpans" the doctor chuckled and quietly sat watching with the toddler.

Leaving the two Marnie returned to the kitchen, hoping beyond hope that the doctor could help him work through the trauma of today.

A/N no matter how strong you are when someone gets inside your head it's hard to fight back without the help of friend, family and often professionals. I have deliberately not gone into detail about the abuse he suffered at Beth's hands but if the implied abuse has affected you or bought up memories please reach out to someone. 


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