His Sister's Smile (Reuben)

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Reuben's heart sped up at the sight of his sister as she followed Arthur into the stables. "Sire, why is Emrys here?"

"She's coming with us," Arthur replied bitterly.

Emrys avoided Reuben's glare and shifted uncomfortably. "The princess has temporarily assigned me to the Royal Guard and instructed me to join Arthur's hunting party to ensure his safety."

Of course that would be the case. He blamed the gods for such misfortune. If Emrys had only left for Carmarthen when he'd told her to...

"Reuben, what're you doing," Arthur snapped. "Find her a horse so we can depart."

"Oh, sire, Emrys is afraid of horses," said Reuben automatically, not thinking about what he had said before it was too late.

"How do you know that, Reuben?"

He cursed the gods again, this time for his own stupidity. "I," he stuttered, searching for an excuse. "I noticed how she began to act when she entered the stables."

"Nonsense. She can't really be afraid of horses."

"So what if I am," Emrys snapped suddenly, her back against the wall furthest from the any of the horses. One snorted and she jumped. Her labored breaths and wide eyes made Reuben think of a frightened rabbit.

For a moment, a smile teased Arthur's lips. "Do you not like horses, Emrys?"

"What's there to like about these beasts? They're terribly frightening creatures, if you think about it. And it's a common fear. Lots of people don't like horses."

Reuben didn't see how she could fear horses but willingly seek out dragons. Still, he saw this as the perfect opportunity to get his sister away from Arthur. "Well, I don't see how you'll be able to come if you can't ride a horse."

In the moment that it took Emrys to frown at him, Reuben realized that she would not be going back. "Don't you have something smaller that I can ride?"

Arthur glanced behind him and leaned over to whisper to Reuben, "I don't particularly enjoy her being here, but the sight of her on that stunted pony almost makes it bearable."

He did find it hard not laugh at Emrys, who clutched the reins to her chest and constantly eyed the pony as if it would buck at any moment. However, Reuben didn't voice this to Arthur—he still wished his sister wasn't on the trip.

"I can't hold back any longer," said Arthur, chuckling to himself before he turned around to look at Emrys, who was beginning to trail behind the group. "You seem to be lagging behind, Emrys. Are you sure you wouldn't prefer to ride one of my stallions?"

She glared at Arthur in response. Reuben didn't know how Emrys could be so audacious as to challenge the prince so often, nor how Arthur could be so inexplicably drawn to this serving girl. Perhaps the Elders had been right when they'd spoken of the ancient connection between the two.

"I'm quite fine, thanks," she grumbled back. "How much further out?"

"Is my horse too close to you, Emrys?" Gwaine hooted. "Would you like me to speed up?"

"No need to, Gwaine," said Arthur. "We'll be traveling on foot from here." He waited for Reuben to steady the horse before he dismounted.

Lancelot unhorsed himself and made his way over to Emrys. Reuben sighed with relief and thanked the gods that Lancelot had taken it upon himself to help Emrys off of her pony. Out of the four knights there—Lancelot, Percival, Gwaine, and Tristan—knowing that someone like Gwaine hadn't done it made him feel a little better for his sister.

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