A Night of Destiny (Emrys)

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Emrys wrung her hands in the skirts of her dress, taking deep breaths through her nose to calm herself. She smoothed her dress down for the fifth time and released her hair from its restraint so that she could run her fingers through that instead.

Emrys could hear muffled music from the other side of the doors to the great hall. She'd been standing outside those doors for at least an hour—and if Emrys had it her way, she'd stand there all night. If Arthur were any later, she would probably get her wish.

Arthur was Morgana's escort for the evening, but he and Reuben had yet to arrive. Emrys knew from the sickness growing in the pit of her stomach that Arthur was definitely on his way.

"What are you doing, Emrys," said Guinevere as she watched Emrys twirl her hair around her finger. "You're making me anxious."

"I'm fixing my hair."

Guinevere gave Emrys a cruel smile and said, "Oh, don't bother yourself with that. No one will be looking in your direction."

With some difficulty, Emrys refrained from responding. She reminded herself that she would no longer be working with Guinevere after tonight.

"Guinevere, please," said Morgana patiently. "Emrys has never served at the castle before. I'm sure you've done nothing to calm any nerves she might have."

The sickness in Emrys' stomach disappeared abruptly. She glanced up to see Reuben rounding the corner at the end of the hall. "Finally," she hissed as he made his way over to her. "Where've you been?"

"Come on," he said, grabbing her arm and pulling her toward the other end of the hallway. "We have to leave."


"There you are, Arthur," said Morgana as Reuben stepped in front of Emrys, blocking her view of the prince. "I was beginning to think you'd forgotten me. Did you mean to have me stand here all night?"

Emrys thought she heard a smile in Arthur's voice. "I assure you that wasn't my intention. You could even say that my tardiness is beneficial to you, Morgana. You've missed all the boring parts now."

"I doubt Father will appreciate our absence from his speech."

"He'll make plenty more tonight, I'm sure."

Guinevere frowned and crossed her arms over her chest. "Morgana has been beside herself with worry all this time. Do you think you're helping?"

"My sister's got plenty of help. Father says that I won't have Reuben's full attention, as he's required to be available to instruct your new servant." There was some type of unspoken question shared between their silences.

"I expect to return Reuben to you soon," said Morgana.

"I also hear your new servant is to be tested in tonight's ceremonies."

Morgana sighed and tossed a quick glance at Guinevere. "Be more careful about your gossiping, Guinevere." She brushed back some of her long hair. "It's true that Father's watching her, but I have full faith in my girl. She's quite remarkable, Arthur."

"She must be if you chose her without knowing anything about her. Where is she?"

"Come on," Reuben hissed in Emrys' ear. He grabbed her wrist and moved to pull her away.

Arthur's back stiffened, as if he could feel her presence. He turned suddenly, and, locking eyes with her, cried, "You! Reuben, remain where you are." He threw his shoulders back and lifted his chin as he crossed the distance between them. He carried himself with such authority that Emrys almost thought that he was coming at her as Prince Arthur. The maddened look in his eye told her that she was indeed in the presence of Prat Arthur.

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