The Baker's Apprentice (Emrys)

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"Emrys," a voice whispered, forcing her eyes to open.

There was more blinding sunlight and the familiar grass and lake. When she saw the Great Tree, Emrys realized where she was and spun around, her spider silk dress billowing behind her. She knew who she would be facing even before his beautiful body took form.

Anger boiled in her veins, throwing her forward. She raised a fiery hand, but before she could bring it back down, Baelfire reached out and caught her arm. He grabbed hold of her other one when she tried to strike him again.

Despite her struggling, he was able to pull her close to him with ease. He leaned into her face and locked eyes with her. This time Emrys saw that in his silver were flecks of white, the same color her eyes turned when she connected with her magic.

He kept his voice low and calm. "You will not attempt to hit me, Emrys."

"Why shouldn't I?" She wrenched her arms out of his grip and took a step away from him. "You lied to me." Two days hadn't been enough time for Emrys to forget the bitter truth of Baelfire's betrayal during the King's celebrations.

"I did," he admitted, "and I regret it, but lying was necessary. You wouldn't have understood had I told you the truth."

Emrys scoffed loudly. "The truth. What is the 'truth', then?"

"No mortal, no matter how great, can escape the destiny that has been set for them. I told you before that you are tied to many things. Too much is left hanging in the balance if you don't acknowledge your role."

"No," said Emrys, shaking her head. "You must have the wrong person."

"I did not wait a millennium for the wrong person, Emrys. It's you who must accept this burden and you alone. There is no escaping it."

"I don't believe that. I'll find a way to change my destiny."

Baelfire looked up at the Great Tree of Avalon. "I wish you the best of luck, Emrys, but what hope is there to find an answer that even I don't have?"

"I won't be the only one looking for an answer," she promised.

He turned his silver eyes to face her, laughing. "You think the help of your brother and uncle is enough?"

Emrys shook her head. "You'll also be helping me."

"I will not," he said, his face contorting into a frown. "If you think that I'll offer my help because I feel guilty about lying to you, then—"

"It's not that. You'll help me because you need my cooperation."

Baelfire didn't falter. "Your cooperation? What makes you think that I am in need of such a thing?"

Emrys shrugged casually and turned away from him, eyeing her surroundings. "You said yourself that you needed my help. I don't think you bring me to this realm simply to communicate through my dreams."

"I don't have to explain my methods to a mortal."

She frowned and spun back around, her head held high. "You don't have to. Some things are just obvious. You think I didn't realize you're trapped in this realm? That you need my magic to return you to your glory? What will you do if I refuse?"

Baelfire turned on her, then, his silver eyes turning dark. "You will not deny me my freedom, Emrys!"

Emrys locked eyes with him and stood her ground. "Then you will be devoted to helping me, or I'll allow you to remain in isolation."

For what seemed like eternity, Baelfire was silent. Finally, he spoke: "Fine. You have a deal, Emrys."

"I don't want to make a deal. I want your word. No more lies between us." She extended her arm.

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