The Weight of Decisions (Emrys)

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Emrys leaned against the side of her mother's hut, letting out a long sigh. She had no idea where Arthur had slipped away to, but she was glad he'd disappeared for a while. Matthew would not have survived without magic, and Emrys hated to think about whether she would've chosen to save him if Arthur had been there.

Soft footsteps sounded beside her. She didn't bother to open her eyes to see who it was. "Don't bother, Will. I'm not interested."

"You should be," he said. "Because, tomorrow, Kanen attacks."

"Yes, and whether you like it or not, we'll have to fight."

"Not if I'm not here."

She turned to look at him then, narrowing her eyes at the bag in his hand. "That's up to you, but the rest of us are staying."

Will stayed silent as he moved closer beside her, his shoulder brushing up against hers. She knew him well enough to know that this was as much of an apology that she was going to get from him.

Emrys folded her hands into her shirt. "Join us, Will. This isn't about Arthur. This is about your friends, your home."

He stiffened. "No, this is about you. You could end this, Emmy. If you used your magic, no one else would have to get hurt."

She swallowed. He was right, she knew he was. But..."You know I can't."

Will pushed away from the hut, slinging the bag over his shoulder. "Can't or won't?"

Emrys opened her mouth to say something but stopped as her mother cleared her throat. She kept her eyes downcast as Hunith said, "The others are gathering. I think Arthur has something to say."

Emrys nodded and walked after her mother. She didn't voice her surprise as Will followed them to the center of the village, where Arthur had already amassed a portion of the villagers. From the dais, Arthur stood with Reuben and Morgana behind him. His hands were clasped over the hilt of his sword, his eyes locked on something in the distance.

"He seems worried," Hunith whispered. She nudged Emrys with her elbow and jerked her head toward the prince. "You should go to him."

"Me?" Emrys asked, glancing sideways at Will, whose scowl seemed to deepen.

"Yes, you," she said. "He seems to care for you a great deal. I'm sure he'd feel better if you were there with him."

"Honestly, what good would that do, Mum?" She reached up and tugged a tangled strand of her hair. "My presence won't change how he feels."

Hunith let out an incredulous scoff. "Give him more credit than that. He's here for you. He likes you."

"That's because he doesn't know the real her. And if he did, she'd probably be dead by now," said Will as he skulked off.

Emrys' face settled into a frown. She could feel her mother's eyes on her even before Hunith asked, "You don't really believe that, do you?"

Emrys lifted her eyes to where Arthur stood and found that he was already looking at her, his face softening as he stared at her. He stepped to his left and nodded to the space he'd opened up beside him, an invitation.

Emrys gently shook her head. She didn't deserve to be up there with him, much as she wished to be. If he knew who she really was, he'd invite her to the pyre, not the rostrum.

He glanced in the direction that Will had gone before returning his eyes to hers. When he looked at her this time, she could see the familiar way his eyebrows furrowed together whenever he was trying to piece things together.

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