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Day 5 of this torture -- and the most innocent life of all, was taken. A muggle -- begging for mercy as the Dark Lord whispered from behind--

"Do it, Draco,"

Who could deny the Dark Lord?


I was sat in my dorm. The clock read '3:34 AM' and I was wide awake. I had no intention of being up this late. My mind was somewhere else. Draco had just left me there. He left me there, standing, back against the stone wall. The stone wall where everything took place that night.

I let him. I stood there and let him.

This is what was wandering in my mind.

Not a goodbye, not a 'we'll meet again', but a stone-cold glare. The glare that burnt right through me. The glare that could allow me to collapse straight down to my knees begging for mercy.

*recap of a couple of hours before*

Our breaths surrounded us. My mind was full of lust...need...

He lifts his lips off of mine and stares into my emerald greens glistening with desire for him. He caresses my cheek with his thumb, causing me to flinch at his cold touch. "Draco..." I whisper. He ignores my little whispers for him and gives me one last plain glare and pushes himself off of me.

I look at him as he backs up from me, outstaring me with vexation. I lift myself off of the wall with both of my hands, struggling while. He continues to eye me. He grasps his shirt from the ground and slides it through his head, then down to his torso.

"W-what are you doing---" I question. I tilt my head to the side with uncertainty.

He storms over to the door and holds a tight grasp with the door-knob. He turns his head half-way towards me just over his shoulder and tightens his grip on the knob. 

"Don't go-- please," I plead.

He heaves open the door and doesn't look back.

He didn't look back.

"Draco," I try calling him through the closed door, my voice cracks getting the best of me.

The Muffliato charm -- he can't fucking hear me.

I limp over to where my top was resting on the floor and slide it on slowly, with a back full of small, purple, and blue bruises. I was going to fucking kill him. He can't just leave me here -- like this.


I turn over to my side, unable to get the memories of a couple of hours ago out of my mind.

I shut my eyes, tight.

My lips stung.

My head was pounding.

And my best friend warned me. The girl I would sacrifice myself forwarned me. But I didn't listen. I didn't fucking listen and it was my own fault.

Why was I shredding myself into pieces over -- him? He doesn't mean anything to me. I didn't feel anything for him, and if I did -- I didn't want to. I just couldn't -- It was too dangerous. For me and him, and we both knew that the first time we looked into each other's desirable eyes.

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